
Monday, March 29, 2010

Totally scrummy
Millionaire's shortbread
Decided to start making it at some ungodly hour last night, having no idea how long it would take, really hoping it wouldn't be a repeat of the macaroons .
Anyway, they weren't! They are lovely.
I used this recipe, and even though there are some comments saying it didn't work for some people, I found it worked perfectly, and as you all know I am not the world's greatest baker!


  1. That looks so yummy. I saved the recipe and plan to try it soon.


  2. Mmmm, looks yummy. Raining at your place? It did overnight here and it's showering right now, yay! (I reckon it's because I shifted my 6 week old chicks into outdoor pens over the weekend...)

  3. Oh Lord, can I come have coffee and one of those? I will catch the next flight over!

  4. Hi Laura, have you lost all your picures on your blog as I have or is it just me.
    Asking other bloggers as a bit desperate.
    Tracey x

  5. Wendy9:19 am

    Oh yum - millionaires shortbread and dieters favourite by the looks!
    Well done - they look great!

  6. My mouth is watering. I've been diagnosed with diabetes so this is off my list for a while. How mean!

    Hope you enjoyed every last morsel.


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x