
Saturday, October 22, 2011

It's Labour Weekend

Which means it's a holiday. It's also the traditional time for planting out your veggie seedlings. And also, as usual, it's gorgeous. I think every Labour Weekend since we arrived in New Zealand has been gorgeous. So far I've spent the whole day out in the veggie garden. Loving every second of it.
I've planted out all the different beans, my one tomato that's big enough, and lots of sweetcorn. The gem squash and the courgettes. It's looking good. And the potatoes are coming up beautifully.

I love this time of year in the garden, everything is bursting back into life ( including the weeds, of course)

Down the garden path...

Even the ducks seem to be chatting about how lovely it is today. I wonder if they get a  long weekend holiday as well?

 After faffing around I thought I should pick some of the broad beans - we love broad beans. I may have overdone it somewhat.

Might have to freeze some!


  1. I love your photos! The colours are great! I know about the weeds as that's my job!

  2. The garden looks very healthy.

  3. Love your pictures, and a sweet reminder that, though we are in autumn now, another spring will be just around our corner.

  4. Nice that you could spend the day in the garden, one of the best way to spend a day. Your garden is looking good at the moment.

  5. Gorgeous photos, and your beans look fantastic.

    Sue xx

  6. Lovely pics. It is an exciting time of year in the garden isn't it? I was interested to read that you are growing gem squash. I'm also growing this for the first time (from swapped seeds) so it'll be interesting to see how it gets on.


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Laura x