
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Out and About in the Garden

Finally, we have sun and blue skies. They've been an awful long time coming.
I've been mowing the grass all morning then I went to check on Mavis. She's gone broody and is sitting very peacefully on 9 (hopefully) fertile eggs I gave her. Usually I get heritage breed fertile eggs when I have a broody chicken as it's nice to keep these old breeds going. But this year I have King Bertie and I'd like to know if he's fertile or not  ~ just for interests sake, and I think some of the crosses I have might make for interesting looking wee chickens! I mean how about a silver laced wyandotte and an araucana cross? Could be fun.
Here she is ... growling at me.
I have high hopes that she's going to be a good mum. I've never had a broody that has sat so tightly on her eggs before. Time will tell. They are due to hatch on the 6th November.

Some trees are almost fully in leaf now, while others are still bare. This tiny pin oak was Lloyd's christmas present from me last year. I love how miniscule the leaves are. To give an idea these are perfectly formed and around half a cm long.

And I know it's early but look! A strawberry, and it's almost ready. Lloyd was given a few strawberry plants from friends for his birthday. I admitted that I had never grown them as I didn't really like them, but Lloyd does. So it's a treat for him. I potted them up in hanging baskets as I had the veggie garden all planned and didn't really have room for strawberries. It seems to be working really well.

and, what I think are some of the most beautiful flowers, pink daisies. They are out in force now. I love how simple they are.


  1. Is there anything so beautiful as the simplicity of a daisy? Looking forward to seeing what is in those googies!

  2. So much going on in your world.

  3. Keep sitting Mavis.

  4. Just as Winter hits us with a vengeance and we have ice laying on the ground and chooks fluffed up and complaining as only chooks can, your Spring pictures appear and bring me some cheer.

    Looking forward to living through your warm seasons via your Blog with your fantastic pictures.

    Sue xx

  5. Love the pics especially of your hen :)

    I'm going to try your yoyos this weekend...

  6. Plants, particularly edible plants, seem like a truly genius idea for gifts. I'm going to have to start this tradition myself.

    Fantastic photos!

  7. I need to get me some daisies. Bet the place looks amazing after the mowing. I've been busy zipping around on my mower all week too!

  8. Laura, I stumbled across your blog this evening, while blog, I am not sure how I got here, but what a lovely blog it is! Your story is lovely, from Glasgow to New that you are living your dream!
    Your photos are fantastic! I was completely taken by the daisy photographs, and was wondering if you wouldn't mind if I used them as a photo reference for painting? I love to work in acrylics and watercolors, and need practice with flowers! Your striking images are begging to be painted :-)

    Also, thank you for the recipes...the shortbread one looks so good! That was one of my favorite things about being in Scotland...the tea and the shortbread EVERY day! Yum!

    I'll be back to see what's new on the farm :-)



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Laura x