
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It's been a good day, today

The sun has come out for a fair bit of the day - and going by summer so far, this is a huge deal!  We found a break in our electric fence that the cows were escaping through so we fixed it. Our friend Danny came round a couple of days ago to give us a lesson in the traditional way of fixing fences - the good old knots and twists etc. using a strainer tool. We truly thought we'd mastered it but today,  without Danny there to keep us right, we were rubbish! And after an age of trying we resorted to our pretendy farmer skills of joiners and metal twisty things to tighten the wires. We're a little disappointed - poor Danny will be begged to comeback and give us another lesson!

However, we shouldn't be too downhearted as the fence is at least fixed. We wouldn't have been able to even do this a wee while ago. We have to remember that! So yes, it's been a good day!


  1. Beautiful photo and loooove the woolshed reconstruction!

    We've ventured into the world of backyard chooks, so I hope your chookies are doing well! :)

  2. I'm absolutely useless at the fence fixing thing too! Luckily Mr eternity knows how to use the strainer tool and knots and twists...but you know what? The joiners and metal twisty things work fine. Would you believe I've just lit the fire? It is like winter (again).

  3. Anonymous2:23 pm

    Beautiful blue! My favourite color. Love the woolshed. You guys are so clever. Still love 'The Acorn' best.


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Laura x