
Monday, January 09, 2012

The Woolshed

When we lived in Glasgow we lived in a big townhouse, so when we moved to New Zealand, to a very tiny cottage, we had an awful lot of furniture and stuff that we just couldn't fit into it! We didn't want to get rid of most of it, a lot of it had sentimental value so we stored it in the Woolshed that came with the property. The woolshed was completely watertight, but was home to rats, possums and about 3 gazillion spiders. It had HUGE potential, though, as it already had water and electricity.
Anyway over the last 6 years we've saved our pennies and finally had what we thought would be enough to sheet it out properly and paint it. Basically make it into something lovely where Lloyd could write, and friends and family could stay
(we have no spare room in our house!)

Before we started the outside looked like this.

By the time we'd finished it looked like this! (from the leaves on the trees you can tell more than one season passed!)

During the work it looked like this!

  and this was after we'd cleared it all out!
The holes in the floor are the chutes that the sheep would go down after they'd been shorn.  The floor in the sheep shearing area was made up of open slats. We couldn't afford to lay real floorboards here, so we covered this area in marine ply. It worked amazingly well.

A bit more cleared, and the big sliding door going in.

It looks like an inside out tudor mansion!

Front coming off

Painting done


Bed made out of the old shearing gates

 The desk was also made out of the old shearing shed doors! Lloyd really wanted to recycle as much of the wood as possible. I think it worked amazingly. We also recycled a lot of the old doors - one went on my potting shed. We kept all the original wood in the ceiling - adding a bit more.

We had Lloyd's birthday party there to christen it - we cleared the furniture so there was space for a  large dance floor, with a chill out area to the side!
And finally! After 6 years of storage ( in a rat/possum infested woolshed) our furniture and paintings have a proper home. Lloyd has managed to unpack all his precious books and vinyl - he's even set up his old record player! We did have to re-cover the sofas as they had got very damp and somewhat covered in rat poop! But they were rescued. Oh and the huge tv? Free with flybys! Save those points people, you can get fabby 'presents'!
We didn't buy a single thing to furnish it with as we had everything already.
We think it's amazing!
And just goes to show good things come to those who wait...6 years in this case!


  1. What a transformation. It look a wonderful comfy space.

  2. Wow!!! What a fantastic effort, and it looks absolutely amazing. When you get a property, it's so tempting to try and get everything done quickly, but often the things that take time are the very best.

  3. The transformation is amazing. What a huge space, it is so light and bright and functional. Well done. x

  4. Anonymous12:21 pm

    Oh my godness, what an amazing space! Can we come live in your woolshed please? We'll pay our way by taking care of your gorgeous aplacas and pottering about in your lovely garden ;)

    Katie x

  5. In a word AMAZING!!! What a fabulous place to entertain and just get out of the house and relax. You guys did a fantastic job. Enjoy!

  6. What a fabulous job you did. It looks absolutely gorgeous.
    You can be very proud of your work.

  7. It looks absolutely amazing! I love that you kept its natural character and reused as much as possible. The contrast of the white with the dark furniture and bright artwork is fantastic. I can imagine you'll have loads of memory making moments to come spent in there---enjoy! :) And I'll second Katie's comment from above!!

  8. Wow!! Looks great!

  9. Oh my goodness gracious me. You are truly amazing. In the midst of my despair that we will never have money to do anything of the things I want around here this has made me really and truly jealous (part of the reason for my blogging absence). Better get on and find some more savings. Well done, hope Lloyd lets you in sometimes! PS saw some pancakes in the freezer section of the loval Asian grovery store. Wonder how they would be?

  10. Wow, what a fantastic job. It's almost unrecognisable.

    I can only imagine how much white paint that took!!

    Looks lovely, well done.

    Sue xx

  11. 'Amazing' seems to be a pretty common word here. Your hard work and patience have certainly paid off. I bet you both walk inside here with huge smiles on your faces knowing that you did it all. What an amazing space.
    Flybuys in NZ is fab. We were there for 2 years and managed to get two kitchen appliances. In Australia it takes soooo much longer to get anything.

  12. What an amazing transformation to your old woolshed! Great job!

  13. thank you everyone, you've made Lloyd smile! I have to point out that this was Lloyd's baby - he had an idea in his head and he made it happen. After all it was only fair! I took over the house - he gets the shed :)

  14. That looks fantastic. Wouldn't my teenage boys love to have a woolshed like that in our backyard.

  15. Oh, my goodness! I don't even know what words to use to describe such an incredible transformation of space! Good work! It looks like a place you'd really want to hang bright and with the good tunes and all....

  16. hello all! Thanks for all the lovely positive comments! I have to say that, despite having an idea of how I imagined the woolshed would look, it's really come out better than I anticipated. It's well insulated, comfortable in all weather, and a great place for relaxing as well as entertaining. Better still, I now have no excuse for not getting in there daily and writing!

    Lloyd x

  17. well done, it looks great, and is inspiring to me to get out there and make some things happen myself :)

  18. Wow Laura and Lloyd! What a fab space. A totally useful use for a woolshed that isn't used for shearing. Love it. x Pip

  19. I think that has to be the number 1 transformation/renovation I have ever seen! Well done!

  20. unbelievably awesome. i love it so, so much!!! i just discovered your blog after i saw it someone's sidebar.. our wee farm... i knew you had to be in NZ! can't wait to have a bit more of a read. Bianca :)

  21. Seriously everyone! Thank you for all your lovely comments. This took us such a long time to actually get done, I think sometimes Poor Lloyd thought it would never happen. It's lovely when so many of you think it's nice too :) xx

  22. One word for it...WOW!

  23. Anonymous3:06 am

    OMFG! I can't believe what you did there! Time to get back and record some stuff, don't you think? We could record an album there and then tour the country. The place looks wonderful. Congratulations, guys.


  24. oh Chico!! do! come back! record music!

  25. This is such an incredible inspiration.

  26. This is the most idyllic space, it looks like my pinterest page. Obsesseing to be honest. It will now be on my pinterest page. Love the blog! Comes at a perfect time when we are looking to move out of town onto a few acres. Very inspiring!

    1. Thank you Katrina, we adore it! Lloyd's just put a heat pump in so that it gets nice and warm in the winter and this has made a huge difference!

  27. Found you on Clever Chicks hop..... Awesome post. Look forward to following!!!

    1. thank you! it was a long time coming, but totally worth the wait!

  28. Totally amazing! Love it - you have done a great job!


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x