
Thursday, May 10, 2012


I'm taking him to the vet this morning so that he can have his ( hopefully last) check up. I say hopefully last, as we paid his vet bill the other day. For all that he had it was actually incredibly reasonable and I don't grudge a cent of it - but don't really want a repeat! ( interestingly it was lab tests that are the most expensive, not the love and care he got from Matt and Anne, somehow I feel it should be the other way around, really.)

He is so well already.
This is what he spent yesterday doing, and yes, that is OUR bed.

Even his shaved fur is growing in nicely.

Have to thank the lovely vets again, they never gave up on him and they have called so many times since he came home just to see how he's doing. Anne, the nurse, said that they have so many sad stories it's ones like Banana that make their day.

He got the All clear! He's put on 0.8kg. Still about another 1kg to go and he'll be back to normal. But no more lab tests were recommended. Obviously this has been a huge ordeal for him, but he's made the best recovery.

We let him out for the first time today and what did he do? Go straight over to Franks! Frank called us to say he had just seen him and couldn't believe how good he was looking. He also had to clean lots of spiders webs off him - Banana has various routes he takes under Frank and Juen's house but because he hasn't been there for a couple of months, the spiders webs hadn't been getting cleaned off by him - Frank said he was almost invisible under them all! He goes to the vet tomorrow for a final check up, but I am sure he'll get the all clear. Banana really is our miracle cat!

And, Stella. Poor wee thing was born into the worst three days of weather we've had for months. We've had about 100mm of rain in the last 2 days - it's been raining constantly but last night there were some amazing rainfalls. Poor wee thing. There is a lot of shelter in the paddock, but they're not always sensible enough to go under the trees - if they did they would be dry! Her wee coat is wet, but I think it's really kept her warm, and she's drinking  brilliantly now. She's as tall as Herbie but he is twice as wide!! She's an incredibly dainty looking alpaca, whereas Herbie is a bruiser!


  1. Bless. Best wishes to Banana and please a big (gentle !) hug to him from me.

    1. thank you, Summer - I gave him a hug!

  2. Good on him, he's a survivor alright! So glad he's on the mend x

  3. Look at him in your bed, can you just imagine the relief and the feeling he has now of being home and safe....and not hungry.....

    1. He does purr a lot now. I've just let him wander out of the french doors into the garden. I am so worried for him, but Matt the vet said you have to let him do what he needs to do - he's always loved going outside so, so be it. But I know I'll worry myself silly till he comes in again!

  4. Aww, he is so beautiful. I am missing having a cat around but hubby says no no no! PS thinking of taking a break to Bali shortly, I just can't push myself any longer and need a bit of TLC...

  5. Aw you need a cat on a farm! tell him that! :) Ah Bali - so jealous - they're doing direct flights from New Zealand now so who knows - maybe in a couple of years.... You're right - go! It'll do you good.

  6. Kia Kaha Banana! What an amazing recovery he's making ... such is the power of being loved!

    1. well I hope the love played a part - but I think it was food that really did it!

  7. He's looking almost himself again.

    Don't be too scared to let him out, cats are very clever and he will have learnt a very important lesson through all this.

    Lovely to see him back, although tucked up in your bed is very naughty :-)

    Sue xx

    1. Sue, that's what the vet said. We were away for a night ( we did have a friend staying thought) but we put Banana back in his old bed and he did fine without us! Got himself in and out to wee and stuff no bother! mind you, he is rather happy we're home and is curled up on the sofa again with Lloyd!

  8. I am so glad your sweet kitty is on the mend and that there are so many kind souls out there in the world.

  9. That’s a lucky cat to own you. He looks like my black cat Milo; who burrows under the bed covers every morning. I have to be very careful where I sit!

    1. Ah so it's the black cats that like being in bed so much!

  10. Good on Brave Banana. He looks awfully cosy in his bed, and with the weather getting chillier, I am sure he'll be enjoying more snoozes.

    Blood tests are crazy expensive. My old cat Puss had renal failure and hers were $250 each, five years ago.

    Julie Q

    1. Jeepers they were expensive. Ours were less than that by a long way. How is your cat now? Did she recover from it?


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Laura x