
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Matakana farmers market.

We've been meaning to go for ever, but we can only go when we're down in Auckland and it's actually unusual for us to be coming back up north on a Saturday, so we've  never managed until now. And boy, was it worth waiting for! We loved it. We especially loved that they have an area sort of custom made for it and all the stalls are outside, but under cover as it were. The amount of different scrummy things to eat was amazing and the standard of the produce was absolutely wonderful. We bought our weight in cheese!

This was one of the prettiest stalls

Lovely macadamia nuts - which we never buy as our neighbour has trees and we can help ourselves if want to.They're rather labour intensive wee nuts!

We did buy some lovely bread from here, though and had it for dinner with some of the goats cheese we bought.

And we bought some of this hot smoked salmon as well and it was possibly the nicest salmon I've ever had.

 I thought this stall looked so pretty - not sure if the lady liked getting her photo taken!

And these roses were just stunning.There were some lilac roses - I've never seen them before and thought they were  beautiful.

And a jazz band.

In all honesty it's probably just as well we live so far away from it as we would end up going every Saturday and spending far too much money! But I am a little jealous of the folk down there having it right on their doorstep, it's a totally lovely place to spend some time.

Oh and the reason we were down in Auckland again so soon after the last trip? Well, Lloyd had another course to go on and I was picking up my new wetsuit. Lloyds course was ok, but my wetsuit is AMAZING! This will mean nothing to non-divers, but I have been diving all year round in a 2mm swimming wetsuit. Most people dive in a 7mm at least. To say I have been getting a little cold is an understatement. But a good wetsuit is very expensive. I am not a "normal" size so to get one that fits properly I need a made to measure one. So really it was out of my price range. However, my lovely dad gave mum an envelope to take over with her...for my birthday... and in that envelope was some money, well quite a lot of money, so thanks to my dad's generosity I was able to get a lovely WARM, new wetsuit and not feel guilty about it! I had it made by Seaquel who are a New Zealand company and make the most amazing wetsuits. They supply the navy - that's how good they are. I have to say a big thank you to them for the brilliant job they've done and the amazingly friendly service. So much so that I've been invited to go on their next big diving trip in June - so I am very excited! Anyway, enough about wetsuits!
I'm off to mow the lawns!


  1. Love having a wander at a market.

  2. I love that photo of the Jazz band, I'd be framing that and putting on my wall, Good job. :D

    1. they were a really, really good band!

  3. Don't you ask permission before taking photos, esp. if there are going to be people in them?

    1. Yes, I should have done. I never take photos of people usually unless they are friends, so I didn't think :(

    2. Maybe she thought you were going to rip off her ideas, hence the grumpy look? I always hesitate to take photos in public places, because it's often hard to do it without getting people in the photos, or having to go ask for permission from the stall or shop owner to do so, without seeming weird!

    3. maybe - but I honestly wasn't - I just though her stall looked pretty. :) heehee. I rarely take photos anywhere public - it's mostly my chickens...:)

  4. Matakana is a nice market. We lived there but we didn't go there any longer. We hated getting trampled by posh arrogant Aucklanders. A lot of the things sold have nothing to do with a farmers market if you ask me. Hot Smoked Salmon? Shouldn't be on a farmers market. The prices are ridiculous if you ask me. "Normal" people- if they would be allowed to have a stall there - can't afford the stall fees. A farmers market should be a market by the people for the people. The people behind the stalls should still have the dirt under their fingernails and not wear designer aprons. I'd say you won't find many locals buying there unless you call Aucklanders who have a 1 Mill. $ weekend home down the road in Omaha beach as locals.
    Next time go and see the Whangarei Growers Market (if you haven't been there already). That's what I call a farmers market and not a collection of delicatessen stalls.



    1. jeepers, well I'm pleased to say we met a lot of lovely stall holders who were very enthusiastic about their products, which we thought were beautiful, I like finding things I can't do myself - or would probably mess up if I tried like the salmon. I'm really glad it was there as it was amazing. I grow the 'mud under the fingernail' stuff myself, so loved the variation of things at Matakana.

    2. Sorry Laura I might have sound a bit negative there. But farmers markets to me are a way people should be able to get healthy nutritious food for a healthy lifestyle. Come one, be honest, how many people do you think can afford buying their veggies and fruit from the Matakana market, huh? As I said, it is a nice market, but it isn't a farmers market in my opinion. It is a delicatessen market. Which shows in the fact that not many locals go there anymore. I never said the stall holders aren't friendly. And go there in Summer and you might get another idea. Then it is very crowded with city people. Again, nothing against city people, but it is a different world.

      As I said, I lived in the area and I heard many people talking in a more critical way about the Matakana market. I know people who were turned down when they wanted to have a stall there because they weren't chic enough. Or their business (which runs since over 10 years) was regarded as "insecure" and the market managers want a consistent business which "doesn't close down in the next 6 months". It takes some cheek to tell people in their face that their business isn't trustworthy. This in my opinion (!!!) is not what a farmer's market should be about.



  5. Your photos are just amazing! I am so in love with them!

  6. What a wonderful market!!! I can see how easy it would be to spend money there!! Thanks so much for sharing the experience. Great news about the new wetsuit. I'm sure diving will be even more enjoyable now! ~Jeff

  7. thanks Jeff, we loved it! And yes - new wetsuit - I can't wait to try it out - I was going to do diving tomorrow - but the weather forecast is not great - it's not so bad for under the water - it's just the getting there on the boat is no fun!!

  8. Looks like a wonderful market. Our Farmers Markets sell things like 'hot smoked salmon', it's the person that's done the smoking that's the one selling usually, so anyone, farmer, smallholder or just local entreprenuer (sorry can't spell that!!) is entitled to have a stall.

    In this country things have 'made or finished' on the farm to qualify to be sold at a Farmers Markets and 70% of your stock must fit that category. That's the only rules. It would seem from your lovely photos that most stalls fit that criteria.

    As for Mrs Grumpy, if I 'accccidently' include someone in a photo I explain where I will be using it and ask for permission, if they decline I just delete it and ask to take another just of the stock, if you smile sweetly and chat most folk are lovely about appearing on Blogs, especially stallholders if you mention the publicity they will get for free!

    I bet you itching to try out that wet suit, you've got it just at the right time too haven't you, is your weather just beginning to get cooler now?

    Sue xx

    1. I agree Sue! I suppose it's maybe it's the "farmers" part that some people think is somewhat misleading!:) maybe "country market" or just "market"! The one in the town that I live near had ( or had I do hope they've changed the rules) the strictest rules - like all produce must be local - so for example the hot smoked salmon - the salmon would have to be local - hahahaha! and something like only one seller of each thing - which definitely doesn't happen, but may be the case for new people wanting to have a stall. Also you have to have your stall year round - this makes no sense to me as some stuff is only seasonal - like selling artichokes or asparagus. So all in all I think the one in this town is far too strict and the market suffers for it. We have a friend who would have loved a stall and went to the committee with several good ideas and all were poopooed because they didn't fit the very strict rules. It was a nonsense. But this was 2 years ago so I really hope they have losened up since then. Oh and I am so itching to try out my new suit, unfortunately the weather has all gone pear shaped so I'll have to wait for the weekend!

    2. As I said in my other reply, this is all applicable to the Matakana Farmers Market as well. They want to keep it an elitist "chic" "posh" market. They do not want the "veggie man" from down the road. They want chic Olive Oil producers, posh cup cake makers and cute chocolatieres. I believe that more people should buy at farmers markets, but sadly Matakana is not a market where people can afford to buy their daily vegetables and fruit.



  9. Thanks for the look around the market, I do enjoy a dip into your life, truth be known it's my idea of paradise too. Am glad you will be nice and cosy in your fab new suit!!

  10. We had lilac roses at home growing up Laura, I think it was called Charles De Gaul if I remember , or something like that anyway........have fun swimming in your new suit,,,
    AND guess what I got for Mothers Day, yes, yes.....a British Country Living...and Ive had it here the whole day and not even opened it yet, hows that for will power...Im waiting for silence, children in bed and steaming cup of tea before I have a flick..........unheard of around here...wish me luck..

    1. I'm going to go have a look for some and have them in my 'rose garden' I thought they were just beautiful. oh! how I savour mine! Best Mother's day present ever! enjoy!


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Laura x