
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Brining the feta

On Friday, when Lloyd was at work, I decided to make some feta on my own. Now, this is no mean feat for me. I've said numerous times, I am not a natural in the kitchen!  But it worked. I followed the recipe we used before and just got on with it. I know the curds didn't set quite as solid as they should, but I got everything scooped out and put into the moulds.

At this stage I was rambling on facebook about how soft they were and Melanie from Frugal Kiwi suggested I leave them to air dry for a few days. They would harden up a bit and hopefully not go all soft in the brine. So I left them out on the worktop, draining and under a food cover for three days. They hardened up nicely and actually look really good! I brined them yesterday and now they're in the fridge. ( looking the best we've ever had!) Thank you Mel, I'll always do this now, it works a treat.

All we need to do now is wait 4 weeks then we should have lovely crumbly feta.

(these containers are the best we've found for making feta in. They have a basket in them and there's a wee hook so you can hook the basket to the edge of the container and the cheese drains beautifully. They're way better than even the ones you actually get for making cheese! For any Kiwis interested, New World has them reduced to just over $2.)


  1. Replies
    1. they're totally brilliant and a fraction of the cost of the ones that you can buy that are specifically for cheese making - those ones don't even have the wee hook to hang them up with!

  2. Wow, they look wondeful. I really must have a go at this.

    Sue xx

    1. Sue, you should, it's fun and you get great results!! Go for it!!

  3. Anonymous9:18 am

    Laura may be could talk on the phone . Your place is lovely get some photos of some little crias. Yes he is free too a good home as he well have too go away by August,as have 2 new boys coming up. We have suri's as well. Going to New Plymouth too get a black girl on Sat Yes do you won't some ones name too ring about us you could ask Kaybe as there know us she does most of my web Francoise Alpacas not much there as we don't know how too do all this computer things .I am happy too talk Rosanna


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Laura x