
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Stella, such a pretty wee cria.

Stella is growing so well now. She's definitely more dainty than Herbie. Herbie is like the kid in the nursery - you know the one, he's a big bruiser, annoys everyone, but so totally adorable you can't help but love him. And he does love Stella. I think he's just so happy to have a playmate.

 Such a delicate little flower!

And here's Herbie next to her - not such a delicate little flower! He has a gorgeous wee snub nose don't you think.

And yesterday we had some excitement. The Stud male came over to mate with Cocoa and Vienna. It's standard practice to mate them again around 2 weeks after the cria is born. However Vienna is a bit older so we left her for almost 9 weeks to give her a chance to have a little rest.
Alpaca mating is dignified, but noisy!
The male makes sort of a growling noise, which stimulates ovulation!

Watch and learn ( only if you want to!) 



  1. OMG! You're spreading Applepacker porn on the world wide web!! :D How did you get on with you UFO??

    1. I am!!! the UFO - disaster - I'm about 3/4 of the way through it - then had a hissy fit because the smocking went haywire. Then Farm stuff just took over! So I haven't finished it! argh!!!!

    2. Oh my gosh, she is so cute!

  2. LOL~ What a hoot! I just love sweet little Stella. I could become real attached to these creatures in a hurry.

    Thank you for sharing your farm life.


  3. Bahaha---this cracked me up but was incredibly interesting! She's just laying there :) The new lil ones continue to be so adorable. And hopefully you'll have new ones on the way soon :)

    1. I know! She was so uninterested! Just kept chewing her piece of grass the whole time!

  4. They are both absolutely adorable, but you're right there's something very delicate about Stella.

    Alpaca mating is definitely more dignified than Rare Breed Pig mating!! (Although animal porn at this time of the could have warned me, she says wiping her spluttered out coffee off the computer screen!)

    Sue xx

    1. heehee animal porn! Hope your computer is ok - haha!

  5. Oh goodness that is so funny!! I about spit out my soda when I hit play. I love Stella and Herbie, thanks for posting pictures of them!

  6. I don't know if that noise would make me ovulate!! So funny....


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Laura x