
Friday, May 18, 2012

it's getting colder

...just in the last couple of days. I've even had the range on.
My feet feel the cold and I usually wear slippers in the house by this time of year but today I got the Uggs out. This is their first outing so far but now that they're on they probably won't leave my feet for the next 3 months!
I know folk either love them or hate them. Obviously I am in the love category!

And on another note, I am having a cheese disaster. The feta we made on Tuesday has gone terribly soft. Putting vinegar into the brine solution isn't working so I'm at a bit of a loss. I assume it'll still be edible? I decided to try again today - on my own - ( never a good idea!) - and it started off so well, but I'm now at the cutting stage and my cheese  soft and curdy. I maybe didn't add enough rennet? I dunno - I thought I followed the recipe perfectly. I shall soldier on!


  1. I'm lovin' your UGGS! Very nice, warm & comfy-cozy. Being in the U.S., it's interesting to "watch" you enter your winter & we are entering our summer.

    Blessings from Ohio/U.S.A...Kim<><

    1. you know what, having moved from one hemisphere to the other it's a thing I really can't get my head round! Especially Christmas in the scorching heat, what's that all about!

  2. L-O-V-E uggs. They are such a necessity when it is cold!

  3. Anonymous4:19 am

    Oh no, sorry you are having a cheese disaster. I agree with Ugg slippers and wore mine all winter.

  4. What's not to love about your uggs?


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Laura x