
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Two things to make me smile today

The first is, the ever faithful, delivery of my Country Living Magazine. This never fails to bring a big cheesy grin to my face.  I've just renewed my subscription for another year ( Oh how I love the strong $$)
It's the simple pleasures! 

And after over 6 years of keeping chickens I finally achieved something today that I have wanted... well for ages. Ok I didn't achieve it personally, but we had our first green egg in the nesting box!! Go, Consuela! I watched her go into the nesting box this morning and over a couple of hours make a wee nest for herself. I thought maybe it was in preparation for laying an egg perhaps, tomorrow. But when I checked later there it was! Happy days!
Here it is beside Geraldine's egg. Geraldine is a Light Sussex, so her eggs are pretty big.

Look how green it is

And ok, I know they taste just the same, but after trying to breed some Araucanas last year and every single chick turning out to be a boy, and then our mammoth 5 hour round trip to pick these girls up, I am just happy.

This is from a pure bred Lavender Araucana. I have some black araucana crosses that I bred this year. I'm hoping they come into lay soon. They're getting red gobbly bits ( I know they're really called wattles, but I like "gobbly bits") so maybe soon. They look just like photos I've seen of black Araucanas so who knows, perhaps they will lay blue/green eggs too. Here's hoping!

Yes, it's a good day.


  1. oh, loving the gobbly bits....and the green eggs and ham...

  2. the simple things, yes indeed. love your first green egg!
    cheers Wendy

    1. I don't even want to eat it, it's so pretty.

  3. Anonymous7:01 pm

    seeing the feijoas in your header make me long for new zealand.

    1. It's feijoa season right now! I could send you some!!

  4. Love the egg - we have some too and the egg basket just wouldn't be the same without them. Whenever we have kids over to play they always ask to take some home with them. Lovin the country living too!happiness is a cuppa and a new country living!

    1. Aw I'm not surprised the kids want them. Until I kept chickens I had no idea you even got green eggs!

  5. Wow, that egg is a gorgeous colour. Something to make your heart sing when you go to the nesting boxes each day :-)

    Sue xx

    1. Here's hoping she lays one with great regularity! I was surprised she even started as we're heading to winter and it's darker.

  6. Awww, love the pretty eggs. It's like Easter eggs w/o the fuss ~ least not fuss for YOU! lol And Country Living is 1 of my favorites, too. I also have a subscription to Country Sampler ~ they seem to have more primitive-type things in there, which is what I enjoy most.

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

    1. Is Country Sampler a US magazine? I've never seen it here - I shall look!!

  7. Anonymous9:41 am

    I have never seen a green egg before! Country Living is such a visual feast, I can understand why you would want to keep it coming through your letterbox.

  8. I'd never seen a green egg either till we moved here and I became more aware that different kinds of chickens lay different coloured eggs. I don't think I'll ever be able to give up my CL!!


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Laura x