
Monday, July 30, 2012

Glued to the Olympics

I'm spending every waking moment in front of the tv watching the Olympics. ( there has to be an irony in that somewhere as I haven't been swimming for a couple of weeks!) Anyway, I am loving it, and supporting everyone! They're all amazing.

This lack of movement from the sofa means I have nothing to blog about. I haven't been in the garden
( weather is atrocious anyway), I haven't cooked anything, I haven't been sewing, in fact, I've barely got dressed!  I do make it out to feed the animals but that's about it.  

Normal service will be resumed, later.

I will let you know as soon as we get Lulah's results, though as you've all been kind, amazing, lovely, and ever so helpful in making it easier to stay positive.


  1. Have been sending happy and positive thoughts to you, LLoyd and Talulah even though you haven't heard from me.
    I also completely understand about the Olympics. I'm spending my nights under the doona on the lounge and have excited kids of a morning waking up to find Mummy 'up' before them which is VERY rare.

    xx Susan

    1. thanks Susan! We got the results and they were great!!

      As far as the olympics is concerned, I feel I have become moulded into the sofa!!

  2. Me too! I'm in OXON at the mo and have made it out twice to see the Canadian men's beach volleyball, (Martin Reader is a dear friend's nephew) They are just so exciting to watch...and can you believe the speed and power that Ye Shiwen showed? Absolutely amazing!

    1. Amazing! I feel like I've moulded into the sofa!!!!

  3. how did you like that andy murray win today!!!!!! i was literally crying for him while watching...he played at a level like never stoked for him!!!

    1. loved it! Loved also that he seemed to crack a smile during the game! I had to watch the replay though, as I just couldnt stay awake another night!


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x