
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Another of Jamie's 30 minute meals

Without half of the meal!
This one was hysterical - the sheer amount, if the recipe was followed properly, would feed an army!!

I decided to make the cauliflower macaroni cheese and first off it was absolutely LOVELY! Second off it actually is pretty quick. I didn't time it but I was WAY under my usual hour and a half.

The recipe below is adapted to make it smaller.

Cauliflower Macaroni Cheese

Serves 4

- 6 rashers of bacon or pancetta ( I used freedom farms streaky)
- 200g macaroni
- 1 small cauliflower (or half a large one),outer leaves removed, quartered
- 250g cheddar cheese, grated
- 250ml sour cream
- a couple of slices of bread - I used a baguette
- olive oil, salt and pepper
- a sprig of fresh rosemary
- a clove of garlic, crushed

Preheat the oven to 220 and get out an oven proof dish, enough to cook the whole thing in later. ( I have a cast iron one that is perfect cos it can go on the stove top too)

Lay the slices of bacon in the dish and put it in the oven to cook through and get crisp.

Boil the pasta and cauliflower together in a big pot for about 8 minutes, or however long the packet of pasta says. When it's done, drain it but save the water it's been cooking in.

The bacon should be nice and crispy so take it out and whizz it up in a food processor with the bread, rosemary, some pepper and a good swig of olive oil.

Put the pasta and cauliflower into the baking dish, breaking up the cauliflower into smaller bits if necessary ( Jamie mashes his) then add the sour cream, garlic, cheddar and about 200ml of the cooking water. Stir it all into a smooth, creamy sauce, adding more of the cooking water as necessary. Do all this on the stove top on a low heat to keep it cooking. When it's the right sort of consistency, scatter the breadcrumbs on top and cook in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until browned and bubbling. Grate some parmesan on top if you want.

Ok the reason this recipe is adapted is that I followed Jamie's to the letter - admittedly the cauliflower was the largest one I've ever seen - but not only did it fill our HUGE pot,  it was overflowing. When it came time to put it into the baking dish I could fit around a third of it in. As it was, what I cooked was enough for 4 big eaters! I didn't, however cut down on the cheese or the sour cream - I like my cheese sauce creamy!

Also, even though I don't love cooking, I am a neat tidy cook, cleaning as I go and all that. I find this impossible with Jamie's 30 minute meals! I mean, really, bomb site or what!

It was totally scrummy, though and I'll definitely do it again. The breadcrumby bacony topping is inspired! Oh and I should say that even though Lloyd and I were really hungry last night there is still around 2/3rd of the dish left - guess what we're having today!
( apologies for photos - evening light in our kitchen seems to be very orange!) 


  1. oh, I love cauliflower, cheese and macaroni...and bacon and everything else that is in that dish...fabulous...

    1. I think you'll love it then! The topping is totally delicious!

  2. Ooooooooooooooooooh yes i am totally doing this next week! Yummo!

    1. It's so easy, Lisa. I surprised myself by almost enjoying cooking it.

  3. Sounds yum. I could go for something creamy/cheesy/bacony!

    1. It is so yum! We've had another 2 small bowls of it today cos we just couldn't resist.

  4. Oh my goodness... think I accidentally drooled on the keyboard... :-) I love Jaimie - have you seen his Italian Escape dvd? Very entertaining! Enjoy your leftovers!

    1. yes, I think I've seem pretty much everything he's done. I know some people can't stand him, but in this house we think he's great. The 30 minute meals are good too - ok they take me WAY longer, but there's step by step instructions so it's hard to go wrong really.

    2. We love him in our house too Laura, hes just an ordinary guy trying to teach the world that cooking nutritious easy meals from fresh ingredients is just that, easy..........I think the message he sends out to the world is great.

  5. The kids and I always giggle when we watch Jamie cook his 30 minute meals... all I can say is that I wouldn't want to be cleaning his kitchen after he's done... he drops bits of everything everywhere... that looks really yummy though...

    1. I know, its so funny. I love the editing of the programme to as it seems they've just let him ramble on and some of the stuff he comes out with is really funny. My kitchen is a total shambles after though - it seems to use so many pots and pans for each thing!

  6. This looks absolutely delicious. Definitely might try but I might need to halve it even from the amount you produced.....wonder how well it'd keep in a freezer?!

    1. that was something i wondered as well, cos it would be great to make a huge batch of it

  7. It is a programme I love and I do have the book, I will have to review it soon as part of my new Blog. I do love a good Mac and Cheese with a crunchy topping.

    Some of the things he comes out with on his shows are brilliant, I love that they don't edit out too many of the mistakes. I have all his books and Dvds so I must be a fan.

    Sue xx

    1. yeah it's great- the timings for me are way out, but I don't mind that, just think it's funny!

  8. Yum! Just showed your post to my partner Robert and I think he was drooling! Making it soon, just too hot to bake in OXON right now. Thanks for the recipe...again.:)

    1. you will really like it, I think. It's one of my favourite ones.

  9. I made this last week for my kids and they loved it. But I didn't follow the quantities I agree too much. Your kitchen looks like mine always looks when I'm cooking. I'm very messy. And usually when I'm done I can't be bothered cleaning up.

    1. I cleaned it up while it was in the oven..
      It didn't take long really!

  10. Have you made that fab cannelloni with broccoli and anchovies yet this winter.....that's another fantastic recipe isn't it?
    PS Your kitchen was in a bit of a guddle lol

    1. no! haven't- I did make the summer lasagne though and it was fab. I tend to make the ones after I've seen them on the tv cos he makes them look easy! but I must try as broccoli is one of my favourite things!

  11. A neat and tidy cook who cleans as they go?? Laura, come and cook at my please please!! The dish looks fabulous and well worth all the effort. cheers Wendy

    1. ok :) Actually I'm a bit sad about cleaning - I seem to spend half my life doing it!

  12. Looks delicious!


  13. Anonymous2:15 am

    i love jamie's cooking and his books. i dont have this one but my sister has it so i will need to borrow it to make a few meals from there.

    1. I like this book cos the directions are really straightforward, but be warned! they take longer than 30 minutes!!

  14. Anonymous9:05 am

    Hi Laura,

    Fantastic recipe! I made it last night for dinner & you are right - it makes heaps. But things always taste better the next day too - so we are having some more for lunch. This could also be frozen for quick ready meals.

    Next time I make this (as requested by husband and nephew who had seconds!) I will make a cheese sauce instead of buying sour cream - we live 30 minutes out of town in the country so don't always have sour cream in the fridge, but can always make a cheese sauce.

    I didn't think your kitchen looked bad after cooking at all - don't beat yourself up so much!

    Good on you for trying another new dish.

    DeeJay from Whangarei

    1. You're right I bet it could be frozen as well - we didnt as we ate it all! But next time!
      I'm glad you liked it though - we thought it was lovely - especially the topping!


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Laura x