
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Melbourne Trip

Firstly, airports are not my favourite place, as I am a scaredy flyer. However Auckland airport really deserves a mention. It is spectacular. Fast, efficient and lovely. We arrived and were through everything in around 10 minutes. Self check in, chips in our passports so we can just go to a machine, it really couldn't be easier. On the way home... Melbourne airport... well it could really learn a thing or 2! We arrived 2 hours before our flight and everything took so long we just got to the gate for boarding. So 2 hours or 10 minutes...? And Melbourne won't be the worst out there by any stretch of the imagination.

Anyway! Our trip.
Firstly it was so great to see Chris and Dan again. We've not seen them since our Bali holiday last August. Too long ago!

Highlights, the many meals out and in, Annie, Victoria Market,  a trip to Healesville Sanctuary and last but not least..... feeding and cuddling the Kangaroos!

So meals! I lost count of all the places we ate out at - either lunch or dinner, they were all totally great. But, I really loved the meal we had at home. Lloyd and Dan cooked the main courses and Chris made a pear tart. It was a lovely night

Dan and I went to see a matinee show of Annie,  I love musicals and going to the theater and thankfully so does Dan, so when we go to Melbourne he organises an afternoon for us. He always manages to get amazing seats as well! It was brilliant! The acting, songs, stage sets. All magical!

 However, my favourite thing, maybe my favourite thing EVER! Was going to Healesville. It's a huge animal sanctuary, actually part of Melbourne Zoo. There are no cages ( well the snakes are behind glass!) the enclosures are huge, in fact some of the animals seem to have free range. It is a wonderful place. They do a thing called a magic moment and ( for a small fee!!) you can go right in to pat, cuddle and feed the animals. I did the Kangaroo Magic moment and it was totally brilliant! The lady who was doing it with me did tell us all about the kangaroos and loads of other, I'm sure, interesting stuff, but I wasn't listening at all! I was just grinning like a looney!

Here's a tiny fraction of what we saw...


Red kangaroos, the red one is the breeding male.

Pelicans, really close up! They were super tame. They look like they've been painted.

The Flight Show also deserves a mention. Parrots, owls, birds of prey,  all flying right over our heads, in one case, touching my head!

Best part! Super cheesy grin. I was so happy!
The kangaroos were so gentle, they used their wee hands to sort of pat me when they wanted a little bit more carrot! They were just totally gorgeous!

The sanctuary is an amazing place and the work they do is invaluable, I would say. There are a lot of animals there that are close to extinction. It's a rare chance to see all of these amazing creatures! There's even duck billed platypus 
(which are actually small! who knew)  

Then it was off for a late lunch and one of the Wineries in the area - The Innocent Bystander. Lunch was great ... as was the Moscato!

Dan and Lloyd, enjoying the winter sun.
Poor Chris had to go to work :(
I didn't!

Thank you Chris and Dan, we had the best time. See you over here in.....February...maybe???  

A wee addition, here. This morning I got an email from mum, she sent me this! Just goes to show, I've always loved going to wildlife places, even when I was tiny! This was Blair Drummond Safari park in Perthshire, Scotland. I think I would have been about 5.  My brother would have been 4. I remember this really clearly. They also had monkeys that used to jump all over your car and pull the windscreen wipers off! Probably not allowed to do stuff like that now.


  1. Anonymous10:56 am

    Australian airports are some of the worst - even WE hate them passionately. I hate flying and airports....if only we'd take some tips from NZ!
    I'm so glad to hear you had a good time in Vic. I used to dislike going to Healesville as a kid because often you'd go a whole visit without seeing a single animal lol The flipside to big, natural enclosures. As an adult I am glad it is set up this way and can't stand the zoos that are set up for people, but back then I was very bored by looking at notice boards for invisible animals :)

    1. Interesting - I wonder if they have more animals now? Cos they were pretty much everywhere! We had to search out the Lyre Bird, but that was pretty much all, the rest were wandering around quite the thing. It was quiet ( of people) though as it was th first day of the schools going back and mid winter! I think Auckland airport can be so good, simply because it's so small!

  2. Glad you had a good holiday. I like Healesville too - although the snakes aren't all behind glass -last time we went in summer and saw a couple on the tracks.

    1. that's funny cos I said to Lloyd as we were walking around - I bet there are snakes in the grass and stuff!

  3. Looks like you had a fantastic time away. We live 3km from Australia Zoo (Steve Irwin's place) and have annual passes so the kids get to pat kangaroo's and koala's fairly often. We just love it!
    Thanks for the comments on Brave too. When we took the kids last week I realised exactly which character was speaking the Doric dialect (and felt very knowledgeable in telling hubby), and not that I was just a dumb Aussie that couldn't understand the accent! OH I love the blogging world. :)
    xx Susan

    1. haha! that's so cool! I bet you were one of the few people in the cinema who had even heard of Doric! Your kids must just adore going and petting koalas - next time...

  4. Looks pretty cool! I have a friend in Melbourne too, one day I hope to go see her :D

    1. Oh you so should, Sue, it's a lovely city, there's so much to see and do. Everytime we're there we think oh we could live here - not that we've ever been in summer -I know I would melt!!

  5. Love love love---sounds like you two had a great time and a much needed vacation! That animal sanctuary sounds amazing and thank you for sharing the great photos! Glad to have you back also :)

    1. we had such a lovely time. It was a real spur of the moment thing. L had had a big case that went really well and it was his treat! ( that i got to go on too!) But I'm always glad to be home - I love being home!


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Laura x