
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Teeny, tiny

I was having a wee twitter chat to someone about tiny homes. I've mentioned in the past that we really do live in a teeny tiny house. I'm not sure if anyone realises just how tiny it is so I thought I'd post a wee video. The video shows the whole house - minus the bathroom and the larder! it was a wee bit messy as I just took it when Lloyd's new camera arrived! But it's not too bad. (quality is guff though as I made it a little file for easier downloading.)
So, does anyone have a smaller house than us??


  1. It's a beautiful little house!

    1. thank you, we love it absolutely, but compared to all our friends houses it's like a wee shoebox!!

  2. If your house is a shoebox, mine is a shoe box for baby shoes. I live in a studio, which is literally one room and a bathroom. But your house is pretty adorable.

  3. heehee, but this is the smallest house I've ever lived in. Even when I was single and lived in a flat in Glasgow, it was bigger than this! Not complaining though, wouldn't have it any other way :)

    1. and bet it's a lovely baby shoe box!

  4. That's very pretty! My lady's house is 725 square feet. I don't know how that translates for you!

    1. Mmmm I'm not sure either - ours is 80m2

    2. yours is smaller! Ours is 860 square feet. :)

  5. Yes, but it dosnt take long to clean, and you cant fill it up with too much stuff.......I think its lovely....we probably have one more room than you, and a small strip of room out the back where my craft room and laundry is. So, for todays standards we are living in a very small home, considering we have three children...two share a room, and the little one is in with us still...BUT..we have plans...oh do we have plans.... now we just need $$$$$$$$$$.
    Your home is beautiful, thanks for the peek, now Im going to watch it again and check out all your goodies, cos I love looking how people decorate their homes...I already love your blue kitchen...!!

    1. thanks Suzanne, from the photos I've seen your home looks absolutely gorgeous. And as they say, size doesn't matter!!

  6. Anonymous8:00 pm

    OMG its gorgeous!!!! And if you want messy please come to my house, yours is postively sterile compared to our 'lived in look'. Our last house was bigger house than we have now but this one feels more quaint, homey and loved, plus there is not so much housework. I also think its not the size of the house that matters it is more if it is a house or a loved family home. Louise

    1. heehee thank you Louise, You're so right, though, a well loved family home is all you need.

  7. Laura, you have a charming and beautifully appointed home. I especially love the neutral, restful colour, the coloured glass inlays in the door and the jewel-like art. Looks very sweet and cozy. Post more photos; I love being nosy! :)

    1. I'll have to tidy first! When we lived in Glasgow Lloyd had an art gallery - loads of his patients were art students who had little money, but lots of paintings - he was often paid with artwork for the dental treatment. So we have a vast amount of art - some up in the house and some in the woolshed. We've added a fair bit of kiwi art since we've lived here though. Need more wall space!!!

    2. Nice! I'm an artist so I know about wall space! The trouble is that, here in OXON, Robert's mum and dad were both artists and we have their collection plus mine, and in Vancouver there's art from my aunt and mine. Plus all my artist friends art, plus special collections...def. need more wall space!:)

    3. Lloyds parents have the most amazing collection. They live is an absolutely beautiful house in Yorkshire and must have been collecting art forever. There is barely a space left on any of the walls and it looks amazing!

  8. Lauras mum10:32 pm

    Your house looks fantastic! Pity no shower room. It's so nice now!

    1. I know - I didnt get as far as the bathroom! Or the larder which is fab - so long as the cats haven't messed it up completely!

  9. Yep my home is smaller, about your dinning room less but then there is only one of me here.

    I do have a teenie workshop off the kitchen which doubles up as storage for chutney/jam/ squashes/ seeds and gardening tools you get the picture... Love your home especially the wooden floor and woodburner sadly unable to have either here.

    1. wow, so it would seem smaller houses do exist! I must admit, having lived in a tiny house, I don't think I'd ever go back to living in a large house. In a small house you actually use all the rooms rather than have ones sitting empty sometimes. But, it would be nice to have a small spare bedroom so that fiends could sometimes stay in the house with us.

  10. Anonymous12:38 pm

    I think you have a lovely house - we are in the process of looking at purchasing a four room heritage cottage - and it is tiny...tiny....seriously tiny. If we do purchase I'll put up photos as it is a true settler's cottage (built in 1845 I think they said).
    Small houses are beautiful because, like macro photography, you can enjoy the details you miss in a big house, I think.

    1. it sounds absolutely gorgeous. Do put up photos I'd love to see them. And you're so right, I'd never thought of it that way before - lovely!

  11. We too,live in a small house,though yours is a wee bit smaller-ours is 918 sq ft. Great video-it's so cute and charming!

    1. Thank you, Donna, small houses rock!

  12. Thanks for the wee peek Laura. It makes me crave lovely white spaces, one day when there is time and money...Ours isn't much bigger, an extra bedroom but there are four of us. As the kids bodies get bigger everything seems smaller. I remind myself that one day it will just be two of us and it will be perfect then!

    1. I think you do well to fit 4 people in a space that isn't much bigger. Sometimes with us and the three dogs it does feel small :) especially if its wet and rainy ( like now) I mist admit I am a sucker for light airy colours. Our house is actually quite dark in some rooms cos of the huge deck all round it so light colours are a must for me!

  13. Hi Laura, Just discovered your blog. It is great! I am now a happy follower :-) My husband is a scuba diver (I hopefully will be too once I have an operation to fix my heart) and the photos he brings home after his dives are beautiful. I really enjoy seeing yours too - that video wasn't taken with a GoPro was it? It has a very similar curved shape to my husbands camera. Sam xox

    1. Hi Sam, lovely to meet you - I'm off to be a stalker and look at your blogs now!
      Hope your operation goes well. That sounds rather scary.
      The video was taken with a GoPro :0) It's new and I was practicing before taking it underwater - also it's lloyds and I'm terrified I break it!

  14. Hello Laura,

    I love your "wee hoosie" and your blog!

    First time comment but I've been reading your blog for awhile now (discovered through Down to Earth Rhonda). I must say, it's very inspiring and wonderful to have a glimpse of your beautiful corner of the world.

    Your cosy small cottage just shows how creative and talented you are to make it seem so much bigger. Now I understand why you have your "party shed" and sewing shed :-) You do have a large yard to run around in though, if you ever get that closed in feeling :-)

    Our house is rather small too but I think small houses are much nicer - they're friendly, cosy and easier to keep tidy :-) Makes it harder to lose things!

    ~ Julie x

    1. aw thank you Julie. the party shed is a total luxury - the sewing shed is a necessity!! :) :)

  15. It may be small, but its oh so very beautiful. And really, what more do you need?

  16. I was here yesterday and joined as a follower because I loved the clean lines of your home and it was about the same size as ours. Also, I love the UK and last time I was determined to get as far north as time allowed. I had hired a car for 5 days and the first day and second was spent sightseeing then I headed north. I did a few detours but as far as Inverness and turned around to head bach to Snettisham. I stayed at a B & B in a tiny village just south in Inverness and got back to Snet. at 7pm the next night after bloody road works and a huge storm at Leeds.

    The weird part is that the first home we bought was exactly the same as this only flipped.
    Can you email me some exterior photos, please? Cheers.

    1. Hi there, sounds like you had a good trip - until the dreaded roadworks! I don't have your email, but if you look here thereare some pics of the outside and from above and one horrible ugly 'before' shot!

  17. Laura, what a gorgeous house. Our place in Berlin was pretty small and we loved it. So little cleaning!
    I love the print you have above the fireplace in the loungeroom. Is it a Charlie Harper?

    1. it's by local artist here called Lester Hall. It's actually done in marine paint! Lloyd had to pay it up over a year!!! He was a happy bunny when he got it home and hung it. It's cool isn't it.

      Thank you!! small houses rock!


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x