
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Getting itchy!

My new tattoo/( Polynesian) tatau is coming along beautifully. It's exactly one week since it was done. There's one tiny rough bit - right in the middle of the picture - where there's a more solid bit of black ink. It's a teeny bit itchy, which is actually a good sign as it means it's healing. The only downside, for me, is that I can't go swimming until it heals absolutely, so I'm willing it to hurry up! Just need to be patient. Not pick at it and Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise!


  1. Laura, love it--it looks great. I just got two new ones this summer also after waiting years to get them. The itch will pass...but it's definitely hard not to rub 'em while they're healing, no?! :)

    1. So hard! Mine has sort of a scab over the whole thing - I know that under it it's going to be pristine and I so want to peel it off!!!! what did you get?

    2. A Christian fish that looks like it's made of nails on my ribs and a seagull in flight on my back with "she flies with her own wings" written above it.

    3. OOo both sound lovely. I love the idea of the seagul

  2. When I read your title in Google Reader I thought you were going to say that you were getting itchy to do spring planting! BTW, I like it.

    1. Well, that too, Rose! But the weather has just turned again today - to rain - and I've been in bed for three days with a terrible cold - BUT I must get on with it very very soon!

  3. Absolutely beautiful! I adore a lovely tat! :)

    I'm assuming they told you to slap it? Yep, it works! :)

    Have a really wonderful weekend!

    The Goat Borrower

    1. I've been slapping it like a mad woman!!

  4. My lady says that's lovely! If she was ever to get a tattoo she would like something Maori. I'd like a tatoo but my lady said it wouldn't show up under my coat! Harrumph.

    1. and she's probably right! ( and they do hurt a tiny bit so maybe you're better off!

  5. It looks beautiful Laura. It took me a minute to work out it was on your foot and not your arm though....

    1. haha! I suppose it's not all that clear from the pic - I was trying to be all arty!


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Laura x