
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My lovely girls

They're laying up a storm. I think most days we were away they laid 12 eggs for Danielle and Rob and today they did the same for me!
Since I got the lavender araucanas, and King Bertie ( who is a pure bred lavender araucana)  was dad to a mixter maxter bunch of 5 girls who are the spitting image of black araucanas, I have green eggs. Well they vary from a sort of khaki colour to a bright turquoise. I adore them. Just before we left there was also a new, small pure white egg. This may well be one of them as there's leghorn mixed in there somewhere!!

I think I'm going to have to make a trip down to the local dairy and butcher to see if they would like any to sell as this is just too many. The sign I made last year is too small and is invisible from the road. I suppose I could make a bigger one..

It's been so busy since we got back. The Acorn is getting a lot of bookings and I really wanted to give it a 'deep' clean  - like moving the cooker right out and cleaning behind it  - sort of clean. I did it this  morning and it took blooming ages, and totally exhausted me! I must still be in holiday mode. Then I mowed the lawns - well half the lawns, I couldn't face the full almost 4 hour job. Dealt with 5 loads of washing - where did that all come from?? Then pretty much collapsed in a heap.
I really want to get planting my veggie seeds and get them started in the potting shed, however they are always SO far behind the seedlings I can buy in the local garden centres. Also the centres are now selling a huge amount of heritage veggies - so I'm in a bit of a quandary! I think what's thrown me is the shocking summer we had last year where all my hard work basically gave us nothing! Decisions, decisions! I'l probably do a bit of both!


  1. I do half and half....I always buy seedlings for tomatoes, zuchinni, cucumber, eggplant...and then a bit of a mix for the least I know that the tomatoes will definately be getting along without worrying about the seeds coming up. Gosh, I love those eggs...I get two shades of brown and white and I arrange them in the carton like a boutique assortment, uno, matching patterns...we sell them to a few people at my husbands could do the same...they look lovely when they are all in nice colours...

    1. I think that's what I'll do too. I love planting tomatoes from seed though so I'll do some from seed and some from bought! I arrange my eggs too!!
      Thing about where hubby works it's sort of country town and loads of people have chooks - same here really too. I'll have to work something out! Mind you dogs are loving it - they get an egg with their dinner!

  2. I hedge my bets here - apparently we are in for a more normal hot and dry summer here so may mean the same for you over the ditch as they say! Lucky you with all those eggs, since my relentless fox visits last year I'm down to two layers and neither aracuansa (boo hoo hoo)

    1. Oh I so hope so!!
      Such a shame about your chickens :( It's heartbreaking when something like that happens. Do you think you'll get more?

  3. Lauras mum10:12 pm

    What a lovely basket of eggs! Your dad loves a soft boiled egg -- pity you can't send some over to him!
    Home has some compensations.

  4. Beautiful eggs, we will defintely have to get some new girls next year that will give us some of those gorgeous blue eggs.

    But I'm keeping our numbers a bit low this year, just 31 in total (plus the geese) so all the chooks will fit in one house for Winter and keep each other warm.

    Sue xx

    1. I love how you say - just - 31! I've got 20 and I think its absolutely loads!! Baby boy rooster is 'leaving us' today though. :(

      I've told you before haven't I but mine sleep up the trees - not in their lovely clean warm palace!

  5. Anonymous4:14 am

    Your girls certainly produce a pretty basket of eggs. Hope you make some £ from the excess :-) Jo

    1. It would be nice, but I love them so much anyway, I don't really mind! Would be good to cover their food!


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Laura x