
Monday, August 20, 2012

Holiday time

Oh dear, I've been a bad blogger!
Apologies for my absence but I'm back now!!

We've been away. Away to Rarotonga and Aitutaki. Surely paradise on earth. We left the farm in the amazing hands of Rob and Danielle who were house sitting for us. We left absolutely confident that everything would be perfect when we got home again and it was beyond perfect. We've found the dream house sitters ( I wish they lived near though as they are just so lovely) and we never want to let them go!

We've been to Rarotonga before but never to Aitutaki, so it was a bit of unknown. But OMG. It is paradise on earth. Amazing people, out of this world accommodation, we stayed in Etu Moana, and a coral lagoon to die for.
We were there for three nights before flying back to Rarotonga and we would have been heartbroken to be leaving if we hadn't been going back to Raro!
While in Aitutaki we pretty much lived in the water! It's not hard to see why. And this is a mere 4 hours from NZ!

Paradise, right?

Then it was back to Rarotonga. We knew we loved it here already! 
Sunsets like these...

local shops like this... look at all the amazing colours.

Lunches like these - Ika Mata - all sorts of raw fish delights from the Tahitian cafe in Avarua.

 And more swimming with the likes of these...

I mean really, what more could you ask for in a relaxing, get away from it all, holiday. I can't tell you how much I want to go back again!

oh and for me - a highlight, something I've waited 2 years for so that I can have it done by a very special man, Tetini Pekepo. 
Free drawn, with special meanings for me and my life...

Waves for water which I spend half my life in, the land, my garden and nurturing, birds which are us flying to New Zealand.  


  1. It looks the perfect holiday. Love the sun sets so much.

    1. thanks Kay they were really beautiful, especially watching them with a pina colada!

  2. Welcome back, you've been missed. Glad you had a great break, looks amazing and so close to you. And, how very very brave...did it hurt horribly? xxx Alison

    1. aw thanks Alison! We had the best time ever, it just went past too quickly. MMM did it hurt...well the crescent part at the base of my ankle did - a lot - my toes were twitching with the pain, but the rest of it was really not too bad at all. I did have butterflies though as you have no idea what he's going to do - you just have to trust him!

  3. Gorgeous Laura. All of it. Just gorgeous.

    1. Isn't it. We're so lucky to have it so close.

  4. Anonymous11:55 am

    Absence due to bliss is the very best reason not to blog and certainly does not make you a bad blogger...especially when you share the bliss upon return :)

  5. Thanks for the sharing this interesting post.........Cuba Holidays

  6. Wow, wow, wow.....what a wonderful holiday, your pictures are crystal clear, and an absolutely gorgeous tattoo to remember it by. Wonderful.

    Nice to have you back though.

    Sue xx

    1. Hi Sue, thanks. I feel I've been SO lazy though! Going to make a start on getting my paper pots made for planting out my seeds today, grass to mow, Acorn to get ready for guests and some weeding in the veggie garden!!I've missed everyone, though.

  7. I love the design on your foot...
    The beach looks very much like the Maldives to me, so yes, I can imagine it is perfectly gorgeous...even the fish looked the same!
    What a great holiday!

    1. it IS like the Maldives. Lloyd and I got married there so its super special to us - think we won't really afford to go back though, but we have amazing memories so it doesnt really matter! Thank you - its healing nicely!

    2. My husband said the other day maybe we should do the to go back with the kids...!!!!! Can you possible imagine taking three children to the Maldives...I know they would love it....but would I?, its a good time to go for the Aussie dollar at the would be interesting just to find out what it would cost....we go NO WHERE...but you have to dream.....

    3. they do direct flights from Oz not to the Cook Islands - honestly it;s so like the Maldives in lagoon terms!! it would be a lot cheaper and there's lots for ids to do there!

  8. Looks like you've been away for a darn good reason. It all looks so fun and SO beautiful! I like your new body art! Very, very nice.

    1. thank you! Only thing is I cant go in the water until it heals - hopefully 2 weeks at the quickest...

  9. What a small world, Tetini Pekepo is my husbands cousin, "T" as he is known. We live not far from his mum and brothers. When we finally do get to Rarotonga it will be my husbands priority to get a tatau done by T. He is a true artist. Love all your photos and am glad you had such a lovely time.

    1. omg small world or what!!
      Is your hubby related to a lady called Mii as well? She runs the place where we stayed and she's also his cousin - but prob a huge family and it could be either side so maybe not! She's lovely.
      Ti's not doing so much now - he doesnt advertise anymore, but if you search him out he might still do you! I'd been emailing him, so knew that he was willing to do it, it was just a case of working out the timing. I didn't manage to have one done 2 years ago when we were there cos he was so so booked up so I was determined to this time! He is such a lovley man and full of interesting stories. I liked him a lot. we met his wife last time we were over and spent hours with her - shes totally lovely too!!
      Have you not been to Rarotonga before? It is absolutely amazing. We're thinking that when we retire we might do a half and half year there and here if it works out - it may be a pipe dream, but a lovely one!

    2. Sadly no, haven't made it there yet but it's in our plans sometime soon hopefully. Hubby is half Cook Island, his mothers mother was from Aitutaki. Another of his cousins and my best friends daughter own the Le Bon Vivant restaurant and Delifoods in Avarua and Muri with her husband as well as running a successful Wedding Planning business. Hubby would like to build over there at some stage as he has land available to him through his mothers lineage. A dream to us also at this stage but you never know do you?

    3. Aw well with his family history it would be an amazing place for you to go to. I love the way land stays in families over there, it was all explained to us last time by a local lady. It's so laid back as well. Filled with lovely people!


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x