
Sunday, September 02, 2012

Dogs have birthday parties too, you know.

Yesterday we were at a doggy birthday party. We go every year. Friends of ours got a dog each from the same litter so each year they have a birthday party for them, complete with presents, balloons and a home made birthday cake. Bob's birthday is exactly a week later, so he's lucky enough to be included. ( In actual fact all our dogs are invited but it would create such chaos to take them all that we only ever take Bob.)

There's usually about 20 humans and at least 6 or 7 dogs. It's happy mayhem!

I got up in the morning and made doggy treat biscuits as presents for Wilson and Forest.
These are the most simple dog biscuits ever, but are an all time favourite with our dogs.


1.5 cups flour
1.5 cups grated cheese
1 garlic clove
1 egg
125 g butter/spread
and a bit of milk to bind it all together

Basically just mix all these together in a large bowl until a dough is formed. Roll out to biscuit thickness and use a bone cutter ( optional!!) to cut out shapes. Cook at 175 for around 25 minutes.
That's it, simple as!

Here they are all wrapped up

 Mmmm it would appear that Bob thinks the cake should be all his! I fear not, Bob, you must share.

Whew, a few of his pals have appeared. This year the dogs got their own slice of cake on a plate. Usually the cake goes down on the ground and it's a  bit of a free for all. Mayhem ensues! This year was way more sedate. Except Bob ate Rocky's cake too. Oops!

Forest, Rocky and Bob admire Danny's cake making skills. ( a home made meat roll, smothered in mashed potatoes and covered on doggy chocolate buttons)

Dad, dad, DAD! Gimme my cake!

 And like any small child after a party, Bob came home so tired he just made it to his bed and conked out!
 What a brilliant day.


  1. Haha when we were stationed in Louisiana, one of my acquaintances was a gal who had a dog similar to our Anna--we used to walk the dogs together. When her dog had his bday she too had a dog party--about 15 dogs in one lil apartment--it was hilarious and lil bit crazy! :)

    1. 15 dogs inside!! At least ours were (mostly) outside. It got a bit hilly later on in the day, but by that time the dogs were more tired than they had been at the start so (Bob) was slightly calmer! The rest are always calmer than he is!!

  2. Anonymous3:15 pm

    Great post Laura. Was lots of fun as always - lets see if Danny comes up with anything from the "Doggy Cam", Cheers Bart

    1. was a lovely day wasn't it. I can't wit to see doggy cam!! Helen and I peered right into it at one stage so I hope it as off then!!

  3. Love it! Happy bday Bob!

    1. thanks you! always lots of fun - dogs all over the place - how can it not be!

  4. Whata wonderful idea for a party. I can honestly say that' I've never been to a doggy birthday party before.

    Looks like lots of fun for both canines AND humans.

    Sue xx

  5. You and your friends are so awesome! What a wonderful way to spend the day!


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Laura x