
Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Time to do something about all these eggs!

Yesterday Lloyd and I made a double sided blackboard sign, so that I could advertise the chookies eggs.
We found a old bit of wood and had soon jig sawed it to the right size. Then got a long bit of wood, sawed it in half and the 2 lengths became the 'posts' for the sign. A bit of hammering to join the posts to the sign part and it was done. All that was left was for me to paint it with blackboard paint and let it dry overnight.

This morning I got out my trusty chalks and scribbled out a sign. We put it down on the verge just outside the house and I crossed my fingers.
Then I went out for the afternoon.

When I got back Lloyd had sold some eggs!! Whooohooo.  The sign worked.

Here's both sides of it. ( yes, an artist, I am not.)

And with it just being chalk I can change things. Like if the price goes down all I do is rub the old one out! Or in the summertime when the veggie garden is going strong ( here's hoping this year is better than last year) I can add things to it like, courgettes and tomatoes?

It's 2 days since the sign has been out. Yesterday Lloyd sold some and today I have sold 4 dozen! I am cleaned out! Will have to make a quickie sold out sign  - or one that says sold out, more tomorrow!
wowser! That's the chook food paid for for 2 weeks :)


  1. If you lived a bit closer I'd buy them! Good luck with the sales :)

  2. What a good idea, and a brilliant sign - an artist you most definitely are!!

    Sue xx

  3. Love this! Nicely done turning your extra goodies into extra cash :)

    1. even it just works a wee bit I'll be happy. I just don't like using millions of eggs for the sake of it. I'd rather give them away so everyone gets the use of them!

  4. Good thinkin! What a nice way for you to make a little extra cash while being inundated with eggs. I love the use of the adjective "magical." I bet they really are magical. I mean, I've never eaten a blue or green egg!

    1. they are magical! and so is the sign it would appear - I sold 4 dozen eggs today - I am cleaned out!

  5. I'm wishing I owned Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and could just zip across the sea to get a few wonderful, fresh supplies. Not to mention how cool the green eggs would be for the kids!

    xx Susan

  6. I love your sign! What a fabulous idea...much cheaper and more "homey" than buying an A frame sign with sliding letters/numbers. (That's what I was considering for my egg selling).Your idea is fabulous,and I hope you don't mind if I wind up stealing it... :)

    1. You absolutely must steal it! The only thing I paid for was the blackboard paint, and since I bought it ages ago it didn't feel like I bought anything!! It's worked a treat.

  7. Glad to see the sign is working and you're not having to eat three omelettes a day ;)

    1. It's amazing, Charlotte. Another 2 dozen today. In 4 days I've sold out of eggs and made anough money to feed them for a month. I actually must keep some aside tomorrow for us!! I had to run down to the sign and write SOLD OUT!


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Laura x