
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lloyd wrote a book!!!!

He started it some time ago, actually, but now it's finished and you, my lovely bloggy friends, are getting first dibs on the kindle version.
I think it's brilliant, but of course I would. However, I like to think that even if I wasn't married to Lloyd, I'd still think it was brilliant.

He writes beautifully, and it's a happy meander through our lives. Nothing bad happens, it's just a really lovely wee story. You could read it in a day, if you so desired! And at only $4 NZ, $3.20 US or £2 a total bargain, if I do say so myself.

If you do read it you'll see that Lloyd is definitely the writer in the family. I just burble!

He does have a website

but it's not quite up and running yet. Also there are hard copies of the book available, but only really once that's all live. So, at the moment it's just the kindle - but we were so excited this morning that Lloyd said I could write about it!

So here is is... Cricket By Candlelight, by Lloyd Jerome

You can buy it on Amazon HERE!!!!

Now, obviously don't feel obliged to fork out your hard earned cash, but if you do, I hope you enjoy it. xx


  1. Oh congratulations on the book Lloyd! :D Laura to make a £ sign press 'alt' and type 0163 on your number pad! :D £ £ :D

    1. OOO thank you! I didn't know you could do that!

  2. How awesome! I'll definitely have to try to check it out eventually! I've been in a bit of a book lull but I'll add it to my list. Love the new header btw :)

    1. It is awesome!
      and thank you about the header - since I updated my mac to leopard of lion or some such Photoshop isn't compatible, which is a nightmare as I cant fork out for a new version! So it's been really difficult to update the header. So pleased you noticed!! :)

  3. Went on over to check it out, I'd love to know more of what brought you to your current lives. Alas, I don't own a kindle...sigh. Remind me when there is another option and I will go for it! PS just bought mr 12 Jamie's Fifteen Minute Meals books. Hmmm, we will see. xxx

    1. Pretty soon his website will be up and running and you can buy a hard cope from there - they're a bit expensive though cos he's printing them in small batches. I'll let you know, but please don't feel obliged!!

  4. Ooooo!! I just read the little intro thing on Amazon and by that alone (even if I didn't 'know' you) I would buy the book!!

    I will wait for the hard copy. Very exciting!

    Well done Lloyd! You write brilliantly and and you and Laura took a step of faith and now live in paradise!

    1. thanks Katherine, it's been a bit of a labour of love really - it's taken quite a long time, but I think it was all worth it for him when he held a hard copy for the first time!!

  5. Hello Laura, this is Alison from Adelaide. I have Lloyds book on my iPad & cannot wait to read it !
    I also love your new header, the Spring header was also magic, just like all your photographs :)
    BTW did you notice the recent earthquake ?

    1. oh my gosh! that's so totally brilliant - you are the first 'real' person to buy/read it! Family and close friends have, but nobody outwith them. I texted lloyd to tell him and he was very happy.
      I really hope you enjoy it, and thank you so much for buying it xxx

    2. Hi Alison from Adelaide, Alison from NSW here (and technically inept). How did you get it on iPad? Is there a kindle app or something? Sorry to hop in on the comments with questions Laura! xxx

  6. Anonymous7:46 pm

    Hi Laura, I look forward to reading a copy of the book when Lloyd has hard copies for sale on his website. I've been reading about your emigration and settling in the Bay of Islands, NZ stories since UK2NZ days, gosh that seems such a long time ago now.

    I used to enjoy Lloyd's writing then, when he occasionally popped in to write on the forum, and also when he did his Foodie blog, 'A bite to Eat'.

    Is Lloyd going to be the Peter Mayle or James Herriot of the Bay of Islands, New Zealand?

    Look forward to reading it,

    1. Hi Sophie, wow uk2nz - that must be 8 years ago!!
      What was your name there?
      I read your comment out to lloyd and he glowed! Thank you so much.
      I think possibly more in the lines of Peter Mayle - mind you, he did want to be a vet!!

  7. Anonymous8:12 pm

    Have downloaded it onto my Kindle - can't wait to start reading! Will be happy to put up a review when I finish! Anne in Tasmania

    1. thank you loads, Anne! You are buyer number 2! :) this is so cool!
      Now, I wonder if he'll be able to stop being a dentist!!! xxx

  8. Congratulations to Lloyd on becoming published. I think this will go on my things to do next year list when Michael's at school and I'll have a bit more free time to do things. You must be so excited and proud!

    xx Susan

    1. I am so proud of him. So many people would like to write a book ( Not me though!) and just never get around to it - so I think he did brilliantly even starting it!

  9. Laura's Mum10:13 pm


    If I had a kindle I would get it even though i know you have a copy for me.
    The cover is so lovely and the title so intriguing I'm sure it'll go like hot cakes (or should i say macaroons?)

    1. yes, we have your copy here - just a week to go and you can have it in person!!!

  10. Anonymous11:29 pm

    Just bought it on Kindle! Can't wait to read it :) I love your blog!

    1. thank yo SO Much! this is brilliant.

  11. Congratulations....what a fantastic way to record your journey......I wish Lloyd all the best with it....x

    1. thanks Suzanne, so far I think he's just happy to have done it!!

  12. How superb! Congrats to Lloyd! Publishing is so tricky--so many things to do and so many things that can fall through--but oh the reward and satisfaction! I don't usually buy books (part of the complex one develops when working in a library), but I might just have to. Question: Can I read a Kindle book on my PC as a ebook? Or do I actually have to own a Kindle? Do you know? This reminds me I really need to learn more about ereaders...

  13. Oh gosh, I have no idea! I know someone bought it for an ipad??
    Lloyd might know! I'll ask him xxx

  14. Wonderful! What a sense of accomplishment that must bring for him and such pride from you :-) XX

    1. you are so right - to both those things!

  15. You don't need a Kindle to read it as Kindle have a program available so that Kindle books can be read on a computer/ tablet

    1. Oh Dee, thanks for that! People!! No kindle required!!!!

    2. Thank you sooooo much for ths tipp. I didn't know it until now. So after reading your comment I went though the process of downloading that program. And then.......

  16. OH YEAH!!! so excited to read this and so in awe of the accomplishment!! i don't have a kindle so just downloaded the kindle program to my mac and then bought it..took all of 2 minutes...going to curl up with it right now... :) x

    1. Wow Jane, I can't believe you did all that! I so hope you like it now. You must let me know what you think.

  17. I finally succeeded in buying and downloading the ebook onto my PC, because I haven't got a Kindle, just a TrekStore eBook reader. It was a tiny bit complicated, but I managed it without help from the younger generation. So now I have to pour a cup of tea and then will indulge into Lloyd's (and your) story. The first chapter that you can have a peek in over at Amazon was already gorgeous. Hope there will be maaaannnnny more books in the tow :-))

    1. you are a star! Sorry it's taken me so long to reply - I've been down in Auckland picking mum up!

  18. I just finished reading the whole book in one go.
    I love love love it! ♥♥♥
    But sadly there's no more to read...
    So when will the next book be published? ☺☻☺☻
    I can really recommend it to everyone to read.
    It's much fun.


    1. Oh wow. You are a star!!! I am so glad you liked it. I love it. But of course ill be biased. It's just so amazing for Lloyd to get feedback like that. Thank you so much xxxx. Ps I think he will write a follow up. But he's started a different book just now.

    2. Ohhh wowwww That's great news!!!! ♥♥♥
      Can't wait for them to be published....

      Btw, I recommended Lloyd's book on my (heavily neglected) blog. I hope that's ok for you.
      The only thing that I couldn't manage, was to open Lloyd's webside. I always come to a site telling me to log in. But there is no possibillity to register.
      But maybe I'm just blind.... ☺ ☺ ☺

    3. You'll probably have a long wait!! It's not nearly finished! :)

      Lloyds website isnt live yet - he and the web person are still working on the photographs, as soon as it's ready I'll let you know!
      And once again thank you so much for taking the time to write a post on your own blog! that's so cool.

    4. Ahhh that's why I couldn't get in there. So I'm going to wait patiently. ☺ ☺ ☺

  19. Really enjoyed the book!

  20. Anonymous3:21 am

    Hi Laura, is Lloyd's paperback book available on Amazon, as I tried to buy the book on Lulu but it's a hopeless case. Each time I tried to register on their site, it won't allow me, says that my email address is already registered, when I had never heard of them before so have never registered before?! It won't accept my postcode, says that it isn't recognised?! I can't contact them without first registering and it won't allow me to do this, as it won't accept my email address! Will Lloyd's book be available in shops in New Zealand as maybe I could get a copy next time I'm over.

    1. Hiya, I'm so sorry LULU didn't work for you.
      Can you email me on
      We have some here - I can send you one - Unfortunately we've just been so busy his website isn't quite finished yet :( Are you in the UK? I could get mum to take one back and post it from there! Anyway, email me and we'll sort something out!!

  21. I loved reading Lloyd's was totally entertaining with just the right balance of information, history, humor, and personal musings...and having followed your blog for quite some time now (I chatted with you on the UK2NZ site way back when), it was great to correlate some of your past posts to Lloyd's writing....I am so happy for the two of you and the life you have created there...such a beautiful story!!

    1. wow! I am so pleased you liked it! Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know - Lloyd is so chuffed to hear all this lovely feedback. Thank you! thank you! Thank you!!


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x