
Sunday, November 04, 2012

Around the veggie garden

It's been so long since I had anything worth showing in the veggie garden! But now, it's just beginning to come back to life. I let it rest over winter, because I had planned on getting in a whole lot of topsoil to make the beds full again. It's amazing how much soil you lose.
So, for the grand total of just over $100 ( which I thought was spectacular value) and a lot of shovelling, the beds are looking great.

I havent planted everything out yet. I still have some incredibly tiny tomato seedlings, a couple of aubergines and all the chillis in the potting shed. But they won't be there much longer, because I am getting a greenhouse! It's my treat.
Why am I getting a treat?
Well, we've sold the dental practice.
Lloyd and R will still be working there, but as employees rather than business owners. The stresses of running a business will be gone ( and yes, there are many, many stresses) So it's a huge relief all round.
All I will say is it's been an incredibly stressful time and leave it at that. Maybe one day Lloyd will write a book about it.

So back to the greenhouse!

It's not a lovely cottagy wooden framed one with pretty glass windows - they are on the expensive side, it is an aluminium frame thing. But I'll do my best to pretty it up. It's been ordered and should arrive sometime next week. We've persuaded a friend to help us build it. I am super excited!

But, I do have a lot of things coming on beautifully in the garden. I even have 2 teeny tiny tomatoes!

 There are a couple of courgettes, a yellow one and a green one, these will be total overkill as usually we can't even keep up with one! But I like both colours, they're pretty.

Lots of spring onions you can never have enough!

 The sweetcorn is doing great - despite the fact that Abagail, the chicken, got in and pulled some of them out. I stuck them back in again and they're fine! Again, something we can't have too much of, we eat every single one.

 And the 2 tiny tomatoes I mentioned. How cute. As usual I have planted an obscene amount of tomatoes. All sorts of different ones. Some are new to me - bloody butcher, which I've heard very good things about, a rainbow one - which looks like a pink brandywine, some romas...and all my old favourites, sun cherries, black krims, black cherries, moneymakers, sweet 100.

There are also peas, cucumbers, garlic, asparagus still coming up, potatoes, Maori potatoes, broad beans, the herb garden, lettuces and cauliflowers.

 A few years back I bought some wild flower seeds. They came up beautifully the first year, but after that it seems that only the poppies come up time and time again. They're gorgeous though, and there's a wee corner in the veggie garden where there's almost always some. They're great, cos not only do they look pretty, but they attract lots of bees.

And finally this! I know it's all out of focus, but what a wee cutie Brodie is. I know he needs a trim. Soon he'll be getting too hot, but he looks so sweet.

I'd also like to thank all the people that bought Lloyd's book on kindle and those that would like a hard copy once that's available. It's been so lovely for him. I read out your comments and he beams!
So thank you all.


  1. Oh Laura I didn't realise a hard copy would be available, now I re-read the post I can see you did say it would be. Please jot my name down for a hard copy when they become available. Any idea of price?

    1. Hi Rose, as soon as his website is up and running you can order them from there. I can't remember what Lloyd said, but I think it was quite expensive as they're only getting printed in small runs. Straight from him I think its about $20 nz. but I might be wrong. When he gets back I'll ask him, thanks :)

  2. We're working in the garden today, well meant to be, Joe's got for a nap, he;s working 6 days a week at the mo so he's kerknackered. We at least moved 3 scoops of garden mix around the shadehouse and one scoop of nugget bark onto one of the borders. We also bought a heap of roses, but I doubt they'll go in this week. It's the first time in ages I've shown an interest in the garden and I'm getting frustrated with Joe's method of doing arse about face! Sigh! We've ended up buying lots of starter plants to get us going but I do need to get some seeds planted too.

    1. Poor Joe.
      I find it tiring enough just doing the blooming garden!
      Remember, once it's done it will look amazing.

  3. Carin8:37 pm

    Put me down for a book - as long as I get an inscription and signature from the esteemed author! Will try to get up sometime to collect in person :-)

    Good news about the practice sale - congrats on that and the greenhouse x

    1. It would be so lovely to see you lot up here!!
      And thank you! it's such a relief now it's all over!

  4. The pictures of your veg garden are brilliant, & dear Brodie, so gorgeous ! I saw a greenhouse at our nursery with a metal frame, it had perspex instead of glass, I thought it was great, is yours like that ? I am sure Lloyd will be very happy not to have the STRESS of running the practice, it really is a nightmare, your lives will be much improved :)

    1. It is one of those! The perspex stuff is 'double glazed' and quite thick so supposedly it keeps everything nice and warm in the winter. We shall see :)
      I think Lloyd feels like he's had a weight lifted off him.

  5. Congratulations, hopefully life will settle a little now and you can both have a breather! My, those poppies, not sure of quarantine rules but I'd love some seed. And brodie is indeed gorgeous. Alison xxx

    1. we do feel better already!
      I could just send you some and not say what they are or anything!! Let me know!

  6. I always love watching the spring time new growth photos pop up as we head into fall/winter---always exciting to see that on the "other side of the world" new life is just starting. Sending lots of love and encouragement to you--enjoy the greenhouse!

    1. Thanks x I always feel a wee bit jealous when it's our winter and all of you northern hemisphere folk have lovely garden going ons!! I am bad!!

  7. Love your poppies. I have poppies that come back and back each year that delight my spring garden. Mine are purple. Fancy a seed swap? My purple ones can be seen here.

    1. I'd love a swap - I've sent seeds to Oz before :) xx

  8. Hi there, thanks for the invite :) I joined in! :) xx


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x