
Thursday, October 25, 2012


Eons ago I tried to make macarons, and I was so traumatised by the whole ordeal it's taken me over 2 and a half years to try again.
Who knew baking disasters could have such a profound affect on your life?

Anyway, today was the day. I went into town and got ground almonds especially!

I tried this recipe as it looked a lot more straightforward than the last one I tried. Unfortunately for me I was following it from my ipad - which didn't have the extra bit that tells the actual weights of things. It goes for the simpler cups and 3 egg white method. Also my eggs were FAR TOO fresh. I need to leave some out over night - supposedly!

I SO wish I'd had a look at it on my laptop, though, because I would have realised that my 3 egg whites were actually about half of the required 100g. I only worked this out when once I'd added and folded in mine it resembled wallpaper paste! I frantically whisked up another couple and bunged them in - this still wasn't actually enough, but in a panic I started piping out little discs. I knew they were too solid even as I was doing it but was too freaked out to care! I'd also whipped out most of the air. At least I got them a nice colour.
And, more importantly, I know exactly where I went wrong this time.

They shouldn't have the ridges and they're actually far too thick as well. I don't know why they still look grainy as I blitzed the almonds and icing sugar and sifted them twice.

These ones, obviously, don't look perfect by any means. They're far too flat for starters! And big and grainy! But they are an improvement. They're apple flavour with creamed blue cheese as a filling - we had these when we went to The Langham for afternoon tea and these are just like them - NOT!

 I won't be beaten! I will try again and it won't take 2 and a half years this time - I may even give it a go tomorrow?

...Well maybe the next day.

Note - I just found this blog - the recipe
I've just discovered her and she's sheer genius!


  1. Leave it a week so the fear subsides before you hop back on the horse! Have you seen Jamie is down to 15 minute meals now? That terrifies me...did you move the rose?

    1. there is no way on earth I could make a meal in 15 minutes! it takes me longer than that to make sure the tea and toast all comes together at breakfast time :( !

      I may have to leave it a week as I have no eggs left - I sold 4 dozen today.

  2. I do love the colour Laura! Apple and creamed blue cheese is an intriguing mix though and I might have to google the recipe. I've only ever made chocolate/peppermint ones which may not have looked brilliant but tasted divine.

    xx Susan

    1. the colour is pretty much the only good thing about them to be honest!

  3. Anonymous9:39 pm

    Tartlette has some wonderful macaron recipes and I think if you scratch around, she has a detailed tutorial too :)

    Good luck!

    1. oh wow! thank you so much for that link. I've now spent the last age devouring all the recipes - and I think her description of how things should look is excellent. Also she uses way less almonds - which I think is great, as mine are far too mooshy and almondy! I am absolutely going to make more using this.
      Thanks loads!

  4. They look much better than my last attempt over a year go! I I'd read though it's best to let the mixture sit for an hour before piping. Good luck with the next batch.

    1. well shhhh but I only took a photo of the ones that look most like macarons - the rest of them look absolutely guff!!! I did leave the mixture to sit for an hour - but it was so stodgy it didn't really get a 'skin' like the recipe suggested it would.

  5. Ugh, I just couldnt do it, I know it....I would stuff it up big time.........I admire you for even giving it a go...and a second time at that....I will look forward to your third and successful attempt Laura....

    1. I'm definitely going to try for a third time - just need more eggs! The recipes make them look an awful lot easier than they are in reality - but I reckon that once you've perfected it through trial and error you've probably got it!

  6. Will be watching with interest...your original blog post still has me in stitches

  7. Anonymous1:33 am

    Macarons are very difficult to make!
    There is a lot of things you need to pay attention off.
    I try like 15 times and I finally make them right.
    Some times wen the humidity is high it takes longer time to dry. And it depend also the eggs.
    It's looks like your using to much powder or you under stir it. There are a view technics hoe are very important.
    Try some French recipes they are the best!


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x