
Monday, October 22, 2012


My first rose blooms are out and picked! I get so excited when they start to bud up.
None of my new ones are ready to pick yet, so I haven't managed to see the actual blooms yet. Two of them are doing really well though. The dioressence is covered in buds and the Auckland metro is as well, but, sadly the Blue Sky is doing almost nothing. It's planted in the same bed as all my roses so gets identical treatment, however it has about 4 leaves on it and is tiny. The only thing  can think is that it gets slightly less light than the others. I may have to move it.
Does anyone know if I could move it now??

It is lovely having fresh roses in the house again.


  1. Mine have just started too!

    Did you plant Blue Sky as a bare rooted this winter? Have you fertilised it (you shouldn't have). How much sun does it get? Could it be waterlogged?

    I tend to leave mine until winter for moving but depending on the above questions, you could consider moving it maybe...

    1. I did plant it as bare rooted this winter. I did feed it ( argh!!) it gets sun about half the day - the rest get a lot more. Not waterlogged - we're on volcanic soil so it drains quickly.
      So, can I transplant it? :)

    2. As Enchanted Moments says, they are pretty darn tough things. If it's not happy, give it a go in a new spot. And remember don't feed bare rooted roses until they have had their first blossoms. You want them to establish roots, not try to flower to too quickly!

    3. new spot it is! I've decided. I was just so desperate to get flowers!

  2. I just dug up two established roses and plonked them in pots....fully leafed with buds.,,and they are fine...still have the buds!
    Roses are pretty hardy...

    1. ok I think I may try this as it's really not happy where it is!

  3. Those are spectacular Laura.

    1. I know! I am so chuffed with them, and this is only one bush, can't wait till there's more flowering.

  4. How lovely! Hope the sick one comes right.

    1. I really hope it will too - I'm going to bite the bullet and move it!!

  5. Oh, lovely! I have to put up with losing buds to darling daughter who can't resist picking them a bit early. Oh well, perhaps it means she'll become a wonderful flower gardener.

  6. Have I ever told you that PINK roses are my FAVOURITE flower? I haven't?.....I'm sure I have. Maybe it was my husband I told a very long time ago. I seem to remember getting some from him when we first started going out. After over 8 years of marriage, maybe it's time to remind him again!

    Your roses are gorgeous by the way!
    xx Susan

    1. Ah! They're mine too - in case that's not obvious! All my roses are various shades of pink - I really should branch out a little!

  7. Oh, they are so lovely! That gentle pink is really something. I've never really grown flowers, but I sure admire them.

    1. I only got into roses a couple of years ago, I can imagine 'll become the old cat lady with a garden full of roses- all pink!!


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Laura x