
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sad news

Our donkey, Sheba died in her sleep yesterday.
She suddenly became ill on Sunday. We called the vet out and she took some bloods but basically was pretty stumped. Her symptoms didn't immediately point to anything. Over the next 2 days we had the vet out again and the blood results came back with nothing really showing up.
All the time Sheba was getting worse.
 The pathologist had called our vets and said now they thought it was most likely cancer. On Tuesday we had the vet back again, who gave her various injections of medicine and electrolytes. But said then that she really didn't think we were going to win this one and to call her in the morning, but unless there was a miraculous improvement there was only really one thing we could do as she was suffering.

But when I got up the next morning I could see that she had died in her sleep.
She was such a lovely, gentle donkey, very calm and adorable, really.
It's heartbreaking when one of your animals dies. And once again, Rachel is by herself. This time we're not going to get her another donkey friend. She is surrounded by alpacas so I'm sure she won't be lonely.
 Sleep tight, Sheba.

It's been a trying couple of weeks already, for various other reasons, and Lloyd and I are feeling tired, fragile,  and very sad.  I hope things will improve now.


  1. Oh I'm so sorry to hear this Laura! It's always hard to love a beloved animal. I hope things start to look up for you two also--it's always hard to be in the midst of struggles, but there's always a light on the other end. Sending you a big hug and mug of tea across the distance.

    1. thanks loads, things will get better, I know! It's just when you're going through something it seems to become all encompassing and even though you tell yourself to get over it it's hard!! xx

  2. Oh Laura, I hope you and Lloyd can have a quiet weekend and just spend some time together enjoying the garden, food and each other. I'm jus back from an en exhausting week away, Nyoman says hi! Thinking of you, Alison xxx

    1. Hi Alison, thanks. This weekend Lloyd is doing his first 10km 'race' so he won't be relaxing! I will be though while I'm watching! Were you in the place that starts with a B? I am so jealous! And a big Hi back to Nyoman!

  3. Thinking of you during this difficult time Laura! Big hugs from over the sea xxxxxxx

    1. thank you katherine. It's amazing how helpful all the kind words are.

  4. So sorry to hear about Sheba. It always takes the wind out of your sails when death knocks you about. Take the time to grieve, think of good times shared and when you feel a little zephyr pick up again, take a deep breath and set sail again.

    1. It sure does, and this was so unexpected. xx thank you Lilian xx

  5. Oh dear. I'm so very sorry that you have lost your friend. xoxoxo

  6. Aww Laura and Lloyd, so sorry. RIP Sheba. I hate it when we lose an animal, we love having them around but hate when they go. ♥

    1. aw Sue, I know you've been through this as well. It's exactly what Lloyd was saying - he wished we didn't have any animals cos it's so sad when this happens - and it's inevitable. He didn't really mean it! But it's how we feel at the time.
      thanks xx

  7. I am so sorry for you. She was such a beautiful animal.
    Hugs KAy

  8. Yes my partner expressed the same feelings when we lost our beloved Harry lab but where would we be without all our emotions the highs and lows. It's so hard though to lose contact with a loved living being that has been such a integral part of our everyday lives. A part of us goes with them....

    1. Oh I know. we'd not be without them really. I'm so sorry about Harry :( flipping rips your heart out, doesn't it. xx

  9. Oh bless her...but when animals live in beautiful surroundings and have had a happy life being well cared for and loved, you can just be assured they are resting in peace...and have passed away surrounded by love....what more can an animal ask be sad, no point saying not to

    1. Ah Suzanne I know you're right :) You always are and know exactly the right thing to say xx

  10. Oh I am so sorry. Sheba was so beautiful. I have spent my life always wanting a donkey but never have had any land so I can only dream. I think they are just adorable animals.
    Our family has had a bad run this year with our animals and it is just heartbreaking. This year we have sadly said goodbye to our eldest dog who had to be put to sleep, my sons tame pet cockatiel and two of his beloved pet rats.
    I class my pets as family members and it is so hard.
    My heart goes out to you and your family :(

    1. They don't eat much! In fact, here we have to keep them in a very small paddock because if we didn't they'd eat too much and get overweight which is very bad for a donkey. So sorry to hear about your sadness, too. They are family members.
      thank you and sending you hugs xx

  11. So sorry to hear about Sheba. It is incredible how animals became such a part of us. Losing them is so heartbreaking.
    Thinking of you. x

    1. Thanks ever so much. The good thing is that ( so far) Rachel seems totally fine, just hanging out with the alpacas.

  12. I'm so sorry, Laura. I hope you're feeling better soon. :(

    1. thanks Charlotte - I think it's just we've got a lot of 'stuff' happening right now! Soon it'll all be sorted out and calm will be restored. Poor Sheba! She didn't have great timing, Bless.

  13. Poor sweet girl...
    I keep you and yours in my prayers.

  14. I am so sorry for the loss of Sheba :(

  15. I am so sorry for your loss. Bless your hearts. Take some time off for yourselves and be well in body, mind and spirit.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

    1. Yeah! I think we need a wee rest. Actually my therapy is to spend ages in the veggie garden!
      Thank you xx

  16. Oh no! How sad. She was such a sweetheart, and one of the many of the highlights of our stay at your farm. Hugs to you guys, and I hope things turn more positive for you soon.


    1. I know, Liz, you guys spent a lot of time with the donkeys. I think the one good thing was it was really fast and I dont think she suffered too much.

  17. Oh dear! I am so sorry to hear of your sweet donkey's passing and the state you and Lloyd are in. You are such sweet people, I hate to think of you sad. May my healing thoughts comfort you from a far.

    1. aw thank you so much. I keep telling myself "this too shall pass" and it will and we'll be back to normal in no time. Your lovely words really help x

  18. Oh sad, sad for you and Lloyd. Much love to you from me. Thinking of both of you.

    1. Thank you! We're feeling very loved right now, it's so lovely.

  19. Anonymous8:34 pm

    My heart goes out to you both. Even though they are 'pets' they are part of our family. Hope the stuff sorts itself out for you both. My thoughts are with you both. Louise

    1. How right you are and we wouldn't be without them. xx

  20. Hope you get some good karma soon. Sorry to hear about your donkey x

  21. What absolutely heartbreaking news. I've just got back after my week away, so I've only just read this. My heart goes out to you both and your other lovely donkey, who must miss her friend so much.

    There's something so awful when you lose a big animal, I guess we give a piece of our hearts to all our animal, and feathered friends and when they go they take a little with them. We simply have the knowledge that we loved them and did our absolute best for them while they shared their lives with us. An animal knows when we are trying to help them and she will have been helped in her last days by the knowledge that you cared so much as you nursed her.

    RIP Sheba

    Sue xx

    1. Thank you Sue, you've totally hit the nail on the head. Sheba's previous owner came round yesterday. ( we told her straight away) She brought her new puppy - which was totally gorgeous! And a peach tree to plant in the orchard in Sheba's memory. I thought that was absolutely lovely of her.


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x