
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Something fun!

Thank you everyone for all your kind words and thoughts. I know I've said this before, but they really, really, really help.

Now, I've decided there's been far too much doom and gloom and me moaning recently so now for something fun!

Well it's called a 'fun' run, but how anyone can find running fun is beyond me! Give me swimming any day.

But Lloyd has started running. His aim is to do the Kerikeri half marathon towards the end of November, and he's been doing really well. For someone who has never run in their lives I think he's brilliant! Today there was a 10km fun run along the coast road to Whangaroa. So he and Sara and Paula thought it would be a good one to do and for Lloyd and Paula ( Sara runs a lot) to get an idea of how much their training was paying off.

Danny, Nick and I DROVE the route and waited at the end!

There is something really lovely about watching happy people complete the run, whether they run, walk or stagger. Everyone was smiling. It was great. They all did brilliantly and Lloyd did it an awful lot faster than he expected to and even said at the end that it was good. ( strange man!!) I'm very proud of him.

So here they are, the happy runners, Sara, Lloyd and Paula.


  1. I'm with you on that one. I don't see how the words 'fun' and 'run' can even be in the same sentence. ; )

    1. I know!! but everyone came across the finish line smiling and happy - so they must think it's fun!! nutters!!

  2. Looks like fun?! I'm with you Laura!
    cheers Wendy

  3. Good for him! I am not a runner but did a little a long time ago and felt healthy and fit as a result. Getting out for regular walks is my aim at the moment!
    Best wishes

    1. He is really enjoying it -much to his surprise. It's great!

  4. Way to go Lloyd! And I'm glad you found something to cheer your spirits! I am still developing my relationship with running. I find it practical. I run because it is faster than walking, but it would be a stretch to say it is fun. Useful. Mostly enjoyable. Surprising. Satisfying. Those words I'd use, but fun....hmmmm...I'm not quite there yet. Except through the trees on mountain trails, stopping to look at whatever catches my eye, there I would agree with "Fun."

    1. I think, even though he is enjoying it, he'd be a little pushed to say it's FUN as well. But he loved that his training route has a very steep long uphill at the beginning. The fun run was all flat so he thought it felt an awful lot easier!

  5. Yea--well done! I love swimming but running is so much easier these days----just pull on the shoes and sports bra/shorts and head out the door! :) Running has definitely been my therapy the last few years so kudos to Lloyd for joining in! :)

    1. I think with running you can just leave the house and start running straight away - that's what lloyd does. But for swimming, I have to get in the car, drive half an hour to the pool or the sea, swim, dry, then drive home again! A 45 minute swim takes around 2 hours for me!!


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Laura x