
Sunday, December 02, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Summer

We had some friends round yesterday afternoon and they commented on how nice it was here and how the garden looked like a park. I think when you live here all the time and work very hard outside,  you often forget to look at everything you've done, and instead panic about everything you still have to do!
So this morning I went for a walk and tried to take in the big picture. 

 Here's a little bit of the front garden. The flowers on the left are the bed at the side of the house.

 Then there's the orchards. The nearest one is the citrus orchard and behind it are the apples, plums and peaches.

 This is just a wee bit of the back garden... with my potting shed in the distance.

Then looking over the veggie garden and down to the front garden.

 After my wander, I checked out the veggie garden. I'm really pleased with it this year. Things are a lot further on then they were at this time last year!

Spring onions

teeny tiny lettuces!

 Courgettes are ready already!

And the patty palms! What are these really called?? And did I just make this name up??

 First batch of sweetcorn looking good. I've planted 3 lots each a few weeks behind the other so hopefully we'll get sweetcorn for months!


and some pretty chives!

 I'll finish off with a really boring pic! But, just to let you see that the grass is all dying back in the new greenhouse. Yesterday Lloyd and I set up the edging and cut the weedmat for the path area to size. On Tuesday, if we have time, we may go and get the soil...I'm working on Lloyd!!


  1. Anonymous12:31 pm

    In Australia, we call those yellow button squash, although other countries may call it something else. The gardens look so green and lush, just beautiful....

  2. yellow button squash it is!!

  3. Everything looks too good, luscious & pretty TO EAT, however, that is what they are for. I agree with your visitors, your garden does look like a park, so beautiful, I'm sure it takes a lot of work to keep it that way but oh so satisfying, your own creation :o) That greenhouse is fantastic.

    1. it is hard work, but thankfully I really like gardening - well mostly, anyway! :)

  4. I'm in NZ and i'd call them pattypan squash. They are so sweet when roasted. Beautiful garden and I can appreciate how much work must go in to making it look so wonderful. Great job. :)

    1. that's the word I was looking for!!!! :)

  5. Anonymous6:54 pm

    Yes, we do forget to stop & look at what we've actually achieved. Your friend is right - your gardens look very park like! Lush and gorgeous. And I am SO jealous of your vege garden. You have done a great job.

    Sit out on the deck each morning or evening with a beverage for 10 minutes, breathe, listen to the birds and enjoy what you have created.

    From DeeJay in Whangarei.

    1. Deejay, somewhere in the mists of time on my blog is a photo of what the veggie garden used to look like! It's been a real labour of love - but also my favourite bit of the garden.

  6. Anonymous7:47 pm

    Your garden is really like a park. The vegie patch looks great like it is flourishing. Louise

    1. Thank you - I'm really pleased with it this year.

  7. Your garden looks picture perfect.

  8. How beautiful! It's always fun to read about you going into summer when we are going into winter! Here in New York I've seen those squash advertised as Patty Pans. You could just call them YUMMY! hee hee.

    1. I know! I'll never quite get my head around the upside down season thingy!

  9. We got our first snowfall here in New Hampshire yesterday,at least,the first in our neck of the state (they have snow up north already). What a pleasure to see such nice photos!

  10. In the UK they're called patty pan squash. I call them either, having both UK and Aussie heritage

    1. I also did a bit of research and it would appear they're also called scallopini squash. But pattypan is what I was trying to say!

  11. Oh Laura it does indeed look gorgeous, and so well mown! Lucky you and I both enjoy our ride ons. Thanks for the lovely glimpses. Alisonxxx

    1. ride on! is a very sore point right now - ours has been in getting repaired for the last 3 weeks! Thankfully we have a wonderful neighbour who has lent us his when we've needed it - it's spoiled our one forever though - as even though it's supposed to be an updated version of his, ours is total rubbish in comparison!!

  12. What a wonderful looking place you've got there!!! Absolutely wonderful. Thanks for the tour!

  13. Looks gorgeous and it's always so fun to see summer arriving as we head into winter here :)

    1. I have to say I'm really looking forward to this summer - last years was so terrible!


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Laura x