
Wednesday, December 05, 2012

The Greenhouse is finished !


A couple of days ago, on the hottest day of the year so far, Lloyd and I decided to shovel over a tonne of topsoil and around half a tonne of wee stones into the greenhouse.  The pathway is so cute, we even got little stepping stones for it. We almost passed out with the heat and humidity, but it was worth it! We wanted to get it done as Simon and Alison were coming over for dinner and we thought it would be nice for them to see that all their hard work wasn't in vain!

The original grass had all died back and we put around 30cm of new soil on top of it to make the growing beds raised.
It looks amazing. Amazing, but bare!

These are some of the chillies I've got in so far. In front of them where the pebbles are is a space for a potting table. I'm having one made to measure to fit in the space perfectly.

There's also some very tiny basil plants and 4 tomatoes. Today, I even managed to find 2 habanero chilli plants for Lloyd. Man, they're difficult to get a hold of!

So, all that's left to plant are perhaps some different types of lettuce. This year is going to be a total experiment. It'll also be interesting to see if the greenhouse tomatoes catch up with the outdoor ones.


  1. I'm officially VERY jealous... Always dreamt of having a greenhouse... and yours is SO cute!

    1. Isn't it :) I am just so happy with it. Can't wait to see it al full of veggies!

  2. You've managed to put it all together in the worst weather! It looks amazing, can't wait to see the potting table. What are you planning to grow in it in winter?

    1. got an email yesterday to say table had been couriered so it's on its way! Over winter I was hoping to grow tomatoes and salads so we can have them all year - tomatoes get incredibly expensive when not in season. $2 for a wee tomato!! The lady in the garden shop told me there's a variety that should grow all year in the greenhouse. SO we shall see.

  3. It suits you perfectly! Well done guys! You are an inspiration!

  4. Good job, that is one great Greenhouse ! The pebbles & stepping stones look terrific, well worth ALL the hard work :)

    1. I must admit, I love the pebbles and stepping stones!!

  5. That is one sweet greenhouse. I know you're going to enjoy it.


    1. I think I'm going to love it - do already. It's very hot working in it though. Should be perfect for the chillies.

  6. I am just over the moon happy for you. What a wonderful space to have on hand. It turned out SO good, too.

  7. That looks so enticing - makes you want to wander in and hang around. Great work and I'm sure it will give you so much pleasure in the year to come (and I do agree, the stepping stones are so cute)


    1. I can't tell you how much I love it already!!


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Laura x