
Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Could this be the first chick of 2013?

The leghorn chicks were due to hatch today, but yesterday afternoon when I checked on mummy chicken ( Constance) there was a teeny, tiny, yellow ball of drying out fluff peeking out.
I've seen this so many times now, but it never fails to get me so excited. Poor Lloyd has to stop whatever he's doing as I thrust a camera in his hands!

So, here it is, newly hatched and still a little damp. This morning 4 more have hatched over night and the last one is pipping so I hope it makes it as well. These are white leghorns, I drove down to near Whangarei to pick them up and they came from a really lovely looking place.
Here's hoping lots are girls! Or at least a decent ratio...or one!

We're basking in glorious weather right now, and it's lovely, but poor Lloyd has a tummy bug and is not a happy bunny, so I hope he gets better soon


  1. Your wee chick is so sweet and tiny. I had some bantams hatch this morning too, so they must be the 2nd lot for 2012! I hope your ratio is better than ours, we seem to end up with 50:50. All fun though - have a Happy New Year Laura! cheers Wendy

    1. I'm actually due a lot of boys as my last 2 hatchings have been all girls bar 2! But since I bought these eggs in especially I'd really like a couple of girls at least!
      Good luck with your babies! and happy new year!

  2. I love little year, new life. All is well.

  3. Well done Constance, a really beautiful Chick, with lots of siblings !!

    Hope you are feeling better soon Lloyd :o)

    Making Basil Pesto this morning, we grew lots in pots in our courtyard garden, it is so yummy on so many things, including pizza, pasta, in sandwiches etc, what a clever little herb ! xx

    1. I hope he's feeling better soon too, he's feeling very sorry for himself - with good reason though :( Good luck with your pesto - basil is my favourite herb!

  4. How sweet!

    I hope Lloyd is feeling better soon.

    FlowerLady Lorraine

  5. I love a newborn chick........
    Happy New Year to you and Lloyd and the animals at your place Laura, hope its full of all the good things you deserve............x

    1. Happy New Year to you and yours Suzanne! May it be a great one!

  6. Not a bad way to start the New Year with new life on the farm, somehow a good omen for the weeks to come.

    I hope Lloyd is feeling better soon, now a tummy bug IS a bad way to start the New Year!!

    Sue xx

    1. hope so :)

      Lloyd is feeling a bit better today :)

  7. How exciting! I first witnessed guineas hatching last year and it was magical!

    Stopping by from Clever Chicks blog hop :)

    1. and they are super tiny arent they. I have a friend up the road who has some now and they are like pingpong balls!

  8. So sweet this little chick. Lucie (my daughter) got to babysit to chicks in 3 Rd grade. It was great experience. She loved this picture too!

  9. Get well soon, Lloyd! Your newest flock member is precious!
    Thank you for linking up with the Clever Chicks this week; I hope you’ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

    1. I will for sure! Keep checking in to see when it is and having a read of everything!


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Laura x