
Thursday, January 03, 2013

OOO Look! We're sort of famous!

A few days ago I got an email that I initially thought was one of those spammy things - you know the ones - they want you to send them money and bank details and THEN they'll wire you a gazillion dollars! But I read it again properly, hovered over the links so that I could see where they would take me if I clicked ( It's a neat trick if you're a wee bit suss about something) and it was all real! (Isn't it a shame how paranoid we've become online...)

Aha what was real? Well, I was invited to do a wee blog chat about the dogs. So, the dogs and Lloyd and I set up a picnic on the grass - tried to take a family shot - which was incredibly successful, as you can see - and I did the 'interview'

It's HERE and there are also loads more to have a look at - there's a lot of really interesting folk!
Basically our one is just me rabbiting on about the dogs - something I could bore everyone with for hours really.

Anyway, here's our 'lovely' family portrait. Kind of catches us well, I think!


  1. Oooooo! Yay! That's wonderful! Congratulations! xoxoxo

  2. That's a lovely interview Laura - I could hear your voice as I read :-)

  3. Well it's an Action family portrait! Looks great and well done on the interview. Oooooo nice to convo with someone famous!! cheers Wendy

    1. haha! Yes - I am now famous - in my own back garden :)

  4. Ha so cute! I loved reading the article :) Dogs bring so much to our lives!

    1. they really do - I can't imagine life without our dogs.

  5. What a fabulous family photo!! Please tell Llyod that I received his book today and I am thoroughly enjoying it, I think I will have read it before I know. He so should keep writing. I have friends in Kerikeri, so know what a gorgeous spot it is that you have chosen to live. Your blog is beautiful and inspiring.

  6. Sue! I told him - I think he's still rather amazed that so many people are buying it! He's really happy.
    You should come up and visit!!

    1. I would totally love to visit, hopefully me and TOF will head that way one day and I sure will let you know.

  7. A brilliant interview, well done.

    Sue xx

  8. Good for you! And what a fab photo!

    1. haha! the photo was such fun! Dogs are so not getting it at all!


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Laura x