
Wednesday, January 23, 2013


A few years ago I dried some tomatoes in the oven on a low temperature. It took forever and I was a little scared of how much it was costing to have the oven on for a day!
It worked really well though.

Then last week I got an email from grabone - it's a deal of the day site - and they had a food dehydrator for sale. I thought the price seemed pretty good so bit the bullet and bought it.
It came within a couple of days, which was great service. It's MUCH bigger than I thought it would be - which is also great.

Yesterday was the first chance I'd had to put it to work, so I went out to the garden and picked about 4 large (bloody butcher) tomatoes and around 30 odd cherry tomatoes. Then I went to the orchard and picked an apple! Oh yeah, a huge bounty!

In actual fact I didn't want to fill the thing in case I made a right stuff up and wasted everything. But it turned out that it worked amazingly, way better than I ever expected.

I didn't do anything fancy at all.

For the tomatoes I sliced the big ones into thinish slices and the cherry tomatoes were cut in half.
Then I wiped a very thin layer of olive oil onto the 'plate' so that nothing would stick.
I sprinkled a wee bit of salt onto the tomatoes and that was it.

For the apple I just sliced it to about the same thinness as the sliced tomato.

Set the temperature to 55 and left it. ( I put everything in at 2.45pm...)

It has 7 shelves in total

Then we went to the cinema to see The Intouchables - a must see film - it's amazing.
Came home and after the 5 and a half hours the thinly sliced tomatoes were ready.
By 8 hours everything else was as well.

The apple is so lovely - I've just eaten it while typing this. So, its a huge success and something we can do with a lot of the apples.

The tomatoes are also lovely. The taste is out of this world. 
It also makes everything a whole lot easier to store, as it shrinks way down.

I actually put the tomatoes in a jar with olive oil to preserve them. I did this with the ones I did in the oven ages ago and it was really good. We used them on pizzas. I think they'd also make a great gift if you didn't eat them all first.
I'm so delighted with it - I really think it's something we'll get a huge amount of use out of. I'm really pleased we got it.  Now I just need to do more experimenting...


  1. OOO lucky you I'd LOVE a dehydrator keep hoping I'll find a secondhand one but keep missing out... Enjoy

    1. have you tried ebay? I know when I was looking here I tried our version and there were a few :)

  2. Oooo! My lady is happy to see that you like your dehydrator. She has envied people that have them but always wondered if they actually worked! Yummy!

    1. I think there's mixed reviews tbh - from my readings! You either love them or hate them! Thankfully I love mine :)

  3. I am still in the experimenting phase with my dehydrator too, but I use it more and more every year. Dried tomatoes are probably my favorite. I really like the idea of drying. It seems brilliant. Its so space and energy efficient. If you have any great drying breakthroughs be sure you share them with me!

    1. I really got it for the tomatoes, out of season here they cost a fortune, and we do like our home made pizzas, so to have preserved ones will be perfect! I'll totally share!!!

    2. So true, and out of season they never taste as good as when they were picked and preserved at the height of their season, in my opinion.

  4. That looks really good Laura, I an amazed at the lovely colour of both. I too love dried tomato on pizza, I also really like them in a cheese omelette, not nearly so "wet" as fresh tomato ! An excellent purchase for the kitchen, especially with all your home grown delights :) xx

    1. I know what you mean about the colours, they've really kept their brightness. I'm going to try out more things - but just waiting for a decent amount of tomatoes to be ready first! Off to buy more olive oil!

  5. Awesome! A dehydrator is high on my wish list right now. I want to preserve a lot more of our food this year, so this is really appealing. Especially for tomatoes, which we will hopefully have lots of this year!

    1. I must admit I hadn't really thought about one all that much, but when I saw this one ot seemed a bit too good to miss out on. I'm really glad I got it.

  6. I've been thinking about getting a dehydrator but am wary that it could be another 'white elephant' kitchen appliance purchase. Is it easy to clean? Aldi had one on sale and I was wondering how it would fare. The family loves beef jerky so I'm wondering if this would do the trick. What brand is this one that you have?

    1. It could be for sure. But Im thinking that in the summer we'll use it heaps.
      Mine is a no brand! It's obviously from China hence why it was so cheap - but so far so good. Its pretty robust.
      I cleaned mine as soon as it was finished -all it had on it were 2 tomato seeds!

  7. Yum, yum, yum. I've struggled with our dehydrator, nothing has really worked (operator error I'm sure). But, maybe I'll try again. Alison xxx

    1. Alison, I did everything at 55. I did have it up at 60 but thought that might be too hot...
      give it another go!!

  8. Ouuu, those tomatoes look soooo good! It's 6 degrees here now in Western New York. My garden seems so far away, it's nice to see your summer pics.
    Thank You!

  9. Just saw your link over at The Chicken Chick’s link party and wanted to come over and check out your dehydrating post! I totally need to get one of these!

    I'd love for you to link up a few recipes at my weekend link party that is going on right now (well, until midnight tonight, lol) @The Weekend re-Treat!

    Hope to see you there!


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x