
Monday, January 21, 2013

glorious weekend

We've just had the loveliest of weekends.
Best part was we met Brooke and Maggie of the Station Masters Cottage.
They came up here for the weekend and we got to spend time with them and their lovely dogs. It was brilliant. 
Lloyd and I loved them, as we knew we would!
It's almost surreal as we live such similar lives in so many ways and met through the blog world! Cool!
We went to the beach with all 6 big dogs. They had a ball and not a cross word was barked - pretty much the same as the humans.
We were very sad when they all went home on Sunday and will definitely spend more time together in the future.

Another great part of the weekend was meeting a big group of our friends and going out for a lovely simple lunch. The cafe is in the middle of the most amazing palm garden, so after eating you can wander round the stunningness and walk off your lunch. Perfect.


  1. It looks lovely - could do with that sunshine at the moment, it's freezing and snowing here!

    1. My mum said they had a lot of snow - I do miss snow!

  2. Oh what a wonderful weekend was had by humans and dogs. Not much beats those weekends do they?

    xx Susan

    1. nothing! They're the perfect simple weekends. We continued it to monday with more friends having a lovely lunch on our deck. I like summer :)

  3. Sounds like you all had a great weekend!!

    1. we did - nothing flash! just lovely!

  4. It looks like such a fun time! Great photos :)

  5. The blue of that sky! Wowsers.... xx

    1. Now, allegedly the Bay of Islands has the second bluest sky in the world second only to Rio - I think some scientists got a free holiday or something!

  6. Yea!! I always love combo people/doggie dates---glad it was such a great visit and the park setting looks amazing.

    1. That park is a palm tree shop!! It's the most amazing place. People go there to sit in the garden and have picnics! The palm shop just let them :) It's stunning and serene.


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Laura x