
Saturday, January 05, 2013

DIY Garden markers.

I saw these on Pinterest a while ago and really fancied making them, but didn't have any of the things to make them with! 
I looked on Trademe for the stamps but they were very expensive, so then I did what I pretty much always end up doing and went to Ebay. I found them there for a mere fraction of the price, got them sent to mum in Scotland, then she sent them to me. Still worked out at about quarter of the price.
After they arrived I went in search of polymer clay. Again it would have been a lot cheaper to get it elsewhere, but I did manage to find a supplier in NZ who posted some to me very quickly. Here.

This is what you need.
Polymer clay that you can bake in the oven
Some alphabet stamps
a knife
a rolling pin
a baking sheet

Start by rolling out some balls about 3cm in diameter.
Then roll these out into sausages about 14cm long
After you've made the sausages flatten them with the rolling pin to about 0.5cm thick.

Using the knife trim one end into a sort of point, then use your stamps to write whatever you want!

Once you've finished follow the instructions on the packet of clay for how long you need to bake it and at what temperature.
Mine said 130-150 for 15-20 minutes.

When the time is up the clay is still soft. It hardens as it cools, so allow to cool in a dry place.

And there you go!
Lovely garden markers.

I'm putting these in my greenhouse.

original idea from HERE


  1. These would make lovely gifts or something to sell at a craft fair since you have all the supplies now. Very nice.

    1. I'm going to wait and see how durable they are before I give any as gifts!!

  2. What a cute idea! I love how these turned out. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I know! I'm really happy with them :)

  3. Wow - nice to see that it worked with the stamps you got. I have the exact same ones (just the capital letters) - will give this a go too! Btw I got mine off ebay as well.

    1. Yes, they worked perfectly with the rubber stamps - nothing stopping you now!

  4. Gorgeous. I'd love some of these. Xxx

    1. give it a go! It's so simple and actually really good fun.

  5. Lloyds mum12:50 pm

    Wow! Laura! You are just great at doing everything!! I am totally green with envy!

    Still warm and damp here; garden a swamp and certainly can't sow any seeds--they'd drown!

  6. Anonymous5:39 pm

    These are really neat. I'd try making them out of real clay though. It can be found locally (for free if you're willing to dig it up!) and there are no potential toxins leaching into the soil.

    1. I have friends who have a lot of clay in their soil - well, they don't really have soil - just clay so I could get some from there - however I have no kiln. I did research the polymer clay before I used it and it's non toxic.

  7. Tremendous! And even more cool since you were thrifty, resourceful and determined. I like making gift tags using clay and these letterpress stamps - nothing quite so special as homemade and handmade! ♥♥♥

    1. well, as thrifty as I could be - I'd love to fins a supplier of the clay in larger quantities! I did find a recipe online onhow to make the clay!! So I may give that a go!

  8. I love these and I have to agree, these would make a really really nice gift for a gardener.

    1. I'm going to make some for my lovely MIL :)

  9. Hi Laura, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (, and I’m visiting from Clever Chicks.

    I agree about these as a gift item. Imagine them in a terra cotta pot, with a packet of seeds, and a twine ribbon. They would be darling!

    Anyway, thanks for posting this. If you’ve never visited yet, I hope you can pop by my blog sometime to say hi…

    1. Hi Anne! I'll nip over and have a read!
      I will definitely make more as presents - just keeping an eye on mine now that they are in some soil to make sure they don't disintegrate!

  10. I found you thru the Chicken chick blog hop. I had to check out these fabulous markers. I love them. great job. I have been cutting up a cheap blind into strips and marking it with pencil. It stays readable, doesnt look as nice as yours. I am now a follower.

    1. Hi Tammy!!
      thanks for coming!

      I've heard about the blind strip idea - I dont have any blinds!!

    2. I think this can also use not only in garden but in some cases. By the way, great job in marking your garden. I think I should also do this. :)

      monument landscape


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Laura x