
Friday, January 04, 2013

the chicks..

Five hatched. Well actually all 6 hatched, but the last one had something wrong with it so poor Lloyd had to deal with it while I sobbed. To have come so far. It's really sad. And I should be delighted that there are 5 gorgeous, robust, healthy babies, and I am, but it's just slightly marred by the wee one that didn't make it. I'd way rather it just never hatched at all.

Constance/mummy was in the old smaller broody house, so yesterday afternoon I moved them all to the new bigger one. I put Constance in first, then gathered up all the babies and put them into a wee bucket, to make it easier to carry them all over at the same time. They looked so cute I had to take a pic!

Then they were very quickly reunited with mum, who instantly puffed up and they all ran under her!
They're very game wee things - they're not afraid of me at all. When I peek in or put my hand in to give them more food or whatever, they all run towards me and are very happy to be stroked. Maybe it's a bred thing. I've never had leghorns before.

On a totally different note, Lloyd and I and NandS went to see The Life of Pi last night at the cinema. It is absolutely amazing. Recommend it to anyone. I loved every second of it.


  1. What a cute photo! Sorry one didn't make it. That's the hard part about keeping animals. Been looking around your blog and I love it! Following you now via google friend connect :)

    1. Hi!
      I've just been over to yours! Lovely snowy pics - I miss snow! It's funny to see chickens out playing in it! Mine are such wimps - never having seen snow - I'm sure I'd have to make them woolly boots!

  2. Yes that's the part I dislike the most when hatching chicks. I find it easier to deal with sick/maimed ones, it's having to deal with the ones that turn into roosters that gets me most because by that time, they would've all had names and personalities. We live in suburbia and council forbids the keeping of roosters and giving them away to someone who can isn't always possible :(

    1. I'm lucky in that I have a man who will take my roosters, he often buys eggs from me, he's a rough and ready sort of chap, but totally lovely. I asked him if he'd ever want my spare roosters (we'll always have them if we hatch eggs) He said he'd be delighted, so off they go to him (and his tummy!) I do keep one rooster though, as I love the crow in the morning.

  3. They are so cute - and what a great photo. With your new camera? It's gorgeous.
    My chicks have all hatched, 8 in total. Will have to update a photo. Oddly enough, I lost one too, first time ever... wasn't meant to be I guess. Good luck with your new hens (I'm being positive). cheers Wendy

    1. yep the new camera rocks! and I've learned so much already from actually reading the manual, which I never bothered to do with the last one!
      Sorry about your chick :(

      And here's to hens!

  4. That is just a gorgeous photo ( with amazing new camera ? :) ) dear little five chicks, so completely adorable. Thank you for your recomendation of The Life of Pi, I went to see Salmon Fishing in the Yemen because you loved it, I now have the DVD & have watched it at least THREE times !! xx

    1. Oh Im so glad you liked Salmon Fishing - I smile every time I think of it. The Life of Pi is very different, but totally beautiful and certainly makes you ask a lot of questions!

  5. That is the most gorgeous photo Ive seen in a long time Laura....
    we are looking forward to seeing that movie too, we may all go this weekend as a family....
    Enjoy those fluffy darlings..............

    1. you must! its beyond brilliant. hope you all enjoy.xx

  6. The chickens are gorgeous, enough to make me clucky!!

  7. Great shot Laura! I got The life of Pi in spoken word for christmas, I read it when it first came out, but didn't know there was a film out too ( I'm rather out of touch!) excellent not been to the cinema for yonks so will look it up... I'm still reading my manual 236 pages...

    1. I did read the book, but it was so log ago I didn't remember it very well!!

  8. Gorgeous little fluff balls.

    It's funny how you always feel for the little ones that didn't or can't make it even though you have lots of survivors.

    We went away once when some chicks were due to hatch (under their mum) and my folks saw the first few chicks hatch on day one and then removed the other two eggs that hadn't hatched, not knowing that they would most likely hatch the next day. Of course when I came back the next day I asked where the other eggs were and was told 'in the compost bin' and I had to take a look. Both eggs were there, icy cold, so I cracked them open and inside were two perfectly formed little birds who had just been too cold to survive and 'crack' their way out. I was sooooooo upset for those little lives. It still makes me sad just typing that!

    Ah well what will be will be.

    Sue xx

    1. oh Sue, that's so sad. And I totally understand why it still upsets you to think about it. I'm the same with the one wee one this time. When I see the others all playing around I'm sad for the one that didn't make it. It got so far.


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Laura x