
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Remember the feta..

that I made a few weeks ago?
Well, it's finished its 2 weeks of brining in the fridge, so now I've put half of it in olive oil and half in nice new brine. I read that you can just keep it in brine for a few weeks so I thought I'd try, as then we've got some that has no flavour of oil, just feta.
It's worked incredibly well this time and it tasted absolutely lovely.

So, from 4 litres of milk you get this much cheese.  Which I think is not bad at all. I'll probably give the small one away to friends...

Also, Lloyd and I had a wee party. Last Christmas we had the best time.  This year we would have liked to do the same thing again, but people had family or visitors, so we didn't. However everyone said that they'd had such a great time could we maybe recreate it after christmas - so we did!
Dan and I went for a dive the day before and got some lovely crayfish, Lloyd got a huge eye fillet of beef which was barbequed, Danny made a banoffee pie, and there were various other goodies. The weather was glorious (we've been having the most amazing summer) so we stayed outside all day and into the night. A lovely time was had by all.

Here we all are, in the twilight. I love this!

Can I just thank all of you who sent kind thoughts for Truffle. She seems ok. She's doing everything she should, I think her hormones are still a bit all over the place, but she's eating and drinking and doing everything else properly, so I reckon she's going to be ok. I feel very sad for her though.


  1. Ooh, I could just eat some feta now...

    1. it turned out so well, and I'm really happy as I've finally managed to source some goats milk to give it a go!!

  2. The cheese looks yummy! Great job :) And I love that last photo - it's so cool!

    1. it's lovely isn't it - all blurry.And actually Im rather pleased with myself as I did it on purpose with various camera settings!

  3. good idea.........Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope you’ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick


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Laura x