
Saturday, February 23, 2013


About three weeks ago I started a pottery class. There's a lovely studio about half an hour from home, so I've been going there.
It's very much a hands on experience, and you're encouraged to just give things a go.

The first week I started with a pinch pot - ok easy I know, but I've not done this before!

I also made a platter and some spoons ( of all things!)
On the second week I cleaned up the stuff I made the first week, then I had a go at the potters wheel. I LOVED it.

I made a right mess, but I loved it.

Today, half of my stuff had been fired, so that got glazed and I also cleaned and tidied up my wee potters wheel pots.

Every time I go I feel so totally chilled when I get home.

I'm now so hooked that I've been looking at second hand potters wheels and kilns. I have space, because now that I have my greenhouse I can use my old 'potting shed' as a wee studio - I wouldn't even have to make a new sign for it!!

Obviously this is sometime in the distant future!!

Anyway, here's my efforts.

The pots made on the wheel. Not the daintiest of things. And not exactly the most symmetrical either, but I love them anyway.

 These haven't been fired yet, just cleaned up.

 This is the stuff I made the first week which has been cleaned and fired.

And now glazed.
The wee lumps are actually glass crystals ( not, as I thought, lumps in the glaze that I needed to flick off!) In the kiln they explode and create a pattern. The glaze is a dark midnight blue colour.

Oh! and this is a wee soap dish - I found it on pintrest - I've glazed it in a creamy colour


  1. WOW, those are brilliant Laura, clever you, if I had a go I know I would end up with a total mess, it is a lot harder than it looks, people who do it well make it look so easy. So glad you loved the experience. xx

    1. thanks Ali, I bet it wouldn't end up a mess if you did it!

  2. There is something special about using clay...I used to 'steal' bits of clay from art class...when I was in primary school to play with at home..I still have my very first glazed vase that I made when I was around 9......I just loved it...
    Your pots look fantastic, cant wait to see them fired...

    1. my mum has a vase she made in a pottery class - it weighs a tonne! It fell off the shelf in the bathroom once and dropped right THROUGH the sink!!

  3. OOO looking forward to seeing them after all the explosions!! I've dabbled a bit with clay and loved it too... the glazing and firing was alway a delight to me as you never really knew what you would find... smiles Cass

    1. I can't wait either! it's very exciting.

  4. It's fantastic.

  5. Those are brilliant, and those little bowls absolutely fantastic for a first go on a potters wheel, well done you. I love that everything you have made is useful as well as beautiful :-)

    1. I made them have wee pourers because it's really handy when you're baking - so I thought that made them a bit functional - however it remains to be seen if I made the pourers straight.

  6. Those look great! :)

  7. How lovely that you have found your niche in the hobbies world. Might even go into the business world!!!
    Where I live it's a cultural desert. I'm looking forward to see the pics of your fired glazes. xo

    1. well I'm not sure about that! but I'm definitely having an awful lot of fun. I'm very lucky to have the studio here - it's not exactly a metropolis!!

  8. Isn't pottery fun. I did it years ago and would love to have another crack at it as I made a right royal mess of most of the things the first time. Wedgewood I am NOT! Your things look great, especially the design on the platter. Keep having fun with it.

    xx Susan

    1. The design is just from stamps - ink stamps - I'd have never thought of it!
      You should definitely give it a go again!

  9. Anonymous3:56 am

    Not bad! This is very common here in India you know! We get them all the time and cheap. Always wanted to try my hands on them but didnt get a chance.
    Very pretty!

    Love from India!

  10. Anonymous9:13 am

    Nice work........Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope you’ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick

  11. Wow such a beautiful blog. I love what you get up to hear and I think you and I would have a lot in common. Take care.x

    1. Thank you Amber, I'm off to ogle yours now!! xx

  12. I like how you stamped "big spoon" on the spoon. Indeed it is. LOL
    Maybe the dogs will each need a water bowl with their names?
    Ohhh the possibilities!!
    Can't wait to see the finished blue color.

    1. yeah! I have no idea what I'll actually do with the BIG spoon! Just forked out for lovely new bowls for the dogs - also they might smash a pottery one!!!

  13. What fun! I like your wee owl on the soap dish :-)

  14. I am super impressed. I took pottery in college. I did enjoy it, but was certainly not a natural at it. The wheel is fun, but I had better results with hand building. That rascally wheel always seemed to get away from me. Very, very nice work. Keep the photos coming as you progress!

    1. aw thanks. I did another thingy onthe wheel this week then just played around to get the feel of it - unfortunately I'm left handed and it spins the wrong way for me so it gets a bit confusing sometimes! But I'll get there,

  15. Those are gorgeous! I love the patterns and whimsy style. (talu)

  16. Replies
    1. thank you! man, it's a steep learning curve!


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Laura x