
Thursday, February 28, 2013

pottery - GLAZED!

Last week when I glazed some of my stuff, Sandrine, our teacher, said that it wouldn't be ready this week as there wasn't enough to fill the kiln yet. But she tricked us! And when we got there yesterday everything that we'd glazed was all ready and finished!
It was so lovely to have some things to take home.

Some of them I'm delighted with. Others I do love and am proud of, but they're perhaps a bit dark. This has made me come to the realisation that I am a lover of paler colours ( except perhaps that sort of natural brown you see on a lot of pottery - I like that!)

So I've put in an order for more of the cream glaze and also some pale blue. I'll do the small pots I made on the wheel in paler colours. That'll be a wee bit away as they're not 'kilned' yet.

Anyway here's what I've got so far.

This is the wee owl soap dish. I LOVE this. I especially love that the glaze did something it wasn't supposed to - it makes it look all shabby chic!

The pinch pot - first thing I ever made - Lloyd can put chilli sauce in it.

Now, the large platter and what I call the "ugly bowl". I like these, and would really like to make another platter, however I think the glaze is too dark for my taste. I do think it's a lovely glaze, but just not as lovely as the paler ones. I forgot to take a photo of the spoons, but they are in the same dark, midnight blue glaze.

 Now this was a total surprise to me! I made this with a wee blob of clay, last thing, on the first night, and I love it! I think these would make lovely presents if you made them in, say, three different sizes.

Anyway, suffice to say I am having a blast doing all this. There's just a small group of four of us. Simon and Alison ( who helped make my greenhouse) and another lady called Chris. We've formed a really lovely wee group and I think we all look forward to our Wednesday evenings.

Right onto something totally different!!
At the weekend Lloyd and I were invited to a friends birthday party. It was fancy dress and the theme was "Out of Africa"
This is how Lloyd and I interpreted it!

Yes, we went as Barbar and Cheetah!!

  Oh yes, I really got into the 'swing' of things!

And what an amazing spread. There were a lot of divers and spearfishers so this was very apt!

I contributed a lot of these! I had brilliant fun making them. And they disappeared really fast, so I think they were enjoyed.


  1. Oh the food! That all looks so absolutely, amazingly awesome. Somehow I think the sandwich I was about to make for lunch just won't cut it now.

    xx Susan

    1. Sorry! Hope sandwich was lovely after all!

  2. I absolutely love your pottery, that 'swirl' at the end is gorgeous :-)

    Sue xx

    1. Sue, that's a koru, based on the way the silver fern in NZ uncurls ( I think!) It's a very popular thing in NZ

  3. Now that really is a spread!!
    Love head gear!
    And sweet little soap dish yep the separating glaze looks nicely distressed.. Smiles Cass x

    1. Oh the head gear was ace! But rather on the warm side.

  4. Oh well done Laura, I looove that pinch pot! I wondered about the fancy dress when I saw the photo on the weekend. I've been busy learning to bake sour dough (and after 10 weeks I finally put up a blog post). Well done you! Xxx

    1. Can't beat a bit of fancy dress!
      I saw your sourdough bread - it looks totally amazing!

  5. Your pottery is amazing, I hope you get the bug because you would obviously be very good at it.
    Your outfits & the food for the party are all magnificent. xx

    1. I am having an absolute ball doing it - next class is Tuesday and I can't wait! It's also my birthday so it'll be like a present!

  6. Great work on your pottery! That owl dish is adorable! And I am with you in that I like the lighter, earthier colors as well. Interesting what you learn about yourself--likes and dislikes--as you proceed, isn't it?!

    1. it's my favourite. Mind you, there is a lot of fruit in the dark platter and I've had 2 meals out of the 'ugly bowl' so it
      s all getting used!! But yep, pale ans interesting from now on.

  7. Anonymous8:17 pm

    your pottery is beautiful. i love the sweet soap dish

    1. aw thank you - it's my favourite too!


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x