
Saturday, March 02, 2013

Down on the farm today

Lloyd and Richard are woodsplitting.
We have an unlimited supply of wood around the place. Trees fall down in storms, trees die, huge branches fall off! All that needs doing is making it fit into our range. To do this a log splitter is required. Some of it is just too hard to do by hand.

So today's the day! It seems they are having a lot of fun.

Here's Lloyd with all the tools of the trade

Filling the woodshed with the first load.

This is the pile they're working on - a lot is small enough already, the woodsplitter is just to do the huge stuff. This is where wood goes to age before we take it to the woodshed near the house to use over winter.

And now for  a catch up on the greenhouse! Everything has gone totally mad in there. I had no idea the chilli plants would get so huge. I'd have planted them further apart if I'd known. The chillies are beginning to go red now and Lloyd is very excited about that!

and the tomatoes are still going strong. We've had the most amazing bumper crop this year. It's been a great year for tomatoes as it's been so dry - no blight! 

We've got the lovely Chris and Dan coming over from Melbourne for a few days next week and I so hope the weather stays lovely. It's been an amazing summer. Ok, we were officially been given drought status last week and the grass in the paddocks is getting really short and not growing, but for a recreational summer it's been brilliant!

I have a gigantic list to get through to make everything lovely for them. I even painted gates yesterday! Today I'm going to do the woolshed.
Wish me luck!!


  1. What a wonderful stockpile of wood. Look at that greenhouse - WOW, you may need to order another one when you have made your fortune from all the beautiful pottery :) fantastic photographs.

  2. Here we are on opposite sides of the world both splitting firewood, there is a great satisfaction in stacking up split wood in advance of the next winter.

    1. I think it was the day for it- I know a few people who were chopping wood :)

  3. haha..we where doing the same thing ..thou your woodpile is way more impressive than our...we will all be warm for winter hey

    1. we sure will - we reckon we got enough done for 4 years!!!!! Our home wood store is almost coming out of the door it's so full!

  4. Wow! That's a big wood pile, how amazing :) Lovely photos, as always. Have a great weekend :)

    1. it's a great wood pile isn't it - I sort of think it's a shame to spoil it!

  5. Boy that greenhouse is doing a good job! and my that's a mighty fine wood pile!! Cx

    1. greenhouse is beyond all my wildest dreams - wish I'd got a bigger one!!

  6. Oh yes, winter is coming. Aren't the cool mornings wonderful? I was driving home this morning from nightshift and had to stop and admire the view from the top of the hill. Golden paddocks (I ignored the fact that they are golden from drought!), misty valley, blue hills, pink sky. I'm looking at my wood pile and wondering if it will be enough. Might 'encourage' hubby to get out there and do some splitting of his own!

    1. I'm loving the cooler nights too - it was awfully hot for a while, there.
      Lloyd and Richard actually really enjoyed it and felt very satisfied last night - very tired, but very satisfied. They were at it all day with one stop of half an hour for lunch = they were stars!

  7. That's a healthy looking wood stack!
    I'm very envious of your greenhouse and produce within! One day.......

    1. I'm really looking forward to seeing what I can grow over winter. It'll be interesting learning.

  8. Happy Birthday Laura for Tuesday the 5th, have a lovely day & time with your friends from Melbourne.


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Laura x