
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bob was back at the specialists yesterday

Good stuff first. Chest x ray is clear. whoo hoo
Urine test is all back to completely normal, so whatever he had is all cleared up and perfect. It's still a bit of a mystery, but seems like a kidney infection or virus of some sort. 

The original nodule on Bobs spleen that they found last month is unchanged. This is Good. If it had been something sinister it would have grown in the month. However a second small nodule has formed on the spleen wall. This wasn't there last month.

So we have 4 options

1) go back for another ultrasound in about a month. Get that nodule ultrasounded again and see if it's grown. If not then it's nothing to worry about either and it's likely that he's just a dog, of a certain age who grows wee nodules on his spleen.

2) get cells from them (nodules) to see what they contain- this is expensive and also sometimes you only get blood etc... so perhaps wouldn't get a good result anyway!

3) just have the spleen removed - if they are benign meh, but if one is cancerous then all good - supposedly dogs don't need their spleens and obviously apart from the risk of anesthetic it would have no side effects on him - like he wouldn't need medication etc. Seems quite drastic if these nodules are nothing...

4) ignore it. They could just be wee nodules he is prone to getting.

But, being us we won't go for option 4!

We reckon option 1 and then take it from there. The timing would be good to go back in a month as it would actually be the exact time I'd be going down to Auckland to drop mum off at the airport. Also the follow up ultrasounds are less expensive than the initial one :) 

All in all, the results were positive. And once we work out what this second wee nodule is it'll be all good!

Anyway, Bob seems incredibly happy. Yesterday he'd had no food all day and after a really early start we didn't want him to have to wait till late evening when we got home to have his proper dinner, so we did a bad thing! We stopped at Burger King and Bob got his first ever taste of a burger. He was a bit bemused at first and just sort of looked at it! Then he loved it. Savouring it and leaving the burger part till last!
I hardly dare break the news to him that this was his first and last BK burger!!

Three silly photos -

 What! A burger? For me?                                                

  Tastes pretty good! 

barbeque sauce all over his face!


  1. Wishing Bob all the best .
    Well actually that and more burgers ~ right Bob . lol

    1. we wont be making a habit of that!!! :) xx

  2. Dear Bob, he is smiling as usual even with BBQ sauce on his face !!!!!!!! , so pleased that the news is good. Lovely that your Mum is visiting, so special. xx

    1. im so excited about mum coming - it was looking like she might not this summer, but whew!! and yes, bob's a smiler xx

  3. That looks like a happy dog!!

    No harm in junk food occasionally I guess :-)

    He looks well enough now anyway which is the best thing ever.

    1. he is such a happy dog! he's never had junk food before - it was a huge (lazy) treat!!! xx

  4. Option one seems like a good one. You're still monitoring the progress of things and seeking out more information to make the best informed decision you can for Bob. I hope next month its no changes and then you can "ignore" it and know that its nothing worth worrying about. There is something awfully cute about a dog biting into a burger with the bun and all!

    1. yep, we're going to go for that. I booked him in this morning, so its all arranged for a month. I hope the same as you :) he took a wee while to actually take the burger. It was like he could hardly believe what was happening!

  5. Will you look at the smile on that boy!!

    1. the reason we knew he was ill so quickly is because he stopped smiling. He's almost always smiling!! We are so lucky to have such a lovely wee man!

  6. Here the treatment for spleen nodules is burgers.


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Laura x