
Monday, February 10, 2014

Summer Salad

Going over to the West coast to see DandP tonight. Our instructions are to bring a salad. Nipped out into the garden and got this... pretty fab!

we've also got a trug full of new potatoes so will add some eggs and make a lovely potato salad as well. Should all go rather well with venison done on the barby.

OOOOoooo added a pic of the dinner...
EVERYTHING on this plate is homegrown or home 'caught' - potato salad - potatoes from the garden, eggs from the chooks, spring onions from the garden.  Tomato and pepper salad - all ingredients from the garden. Venison, by Danny.  I think it looks like something from an excellent restaurant!


  1. There is something so satisfying about turning up somewhere for dinner with a plate of food that is not only home made but also home grown. Have a great week. Elaina xo

    1. it's ace, and our friends are all very like minded so we pretty much always eat like this at eachothers houses

  2. you're absolutely right - the thrill of it never wears off - well, it hasn't yet, anyway!!

  3. Gorgeous Laura - you guys really do live the good life! cheers Wendy

  4. Seeing those wonderful veggies warmed me up. It was -9ยบ when i left for work this morning. I'm looking forward to my garden in the spring, so far away. LOL

  5. Those homegrown-type meals are always the most satisfying! I am sure it tasted like something from an elegant restaurant, too!

  6. Hi Laura, would love to catch up with you guys when we're oop norf! Will be up for a week from the 24th, email is I know we've e-mailed before but can't find yours. Speak soon Sue

    1. sent you an email Mrs!! that would be ace!!! xxx


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Laura x