
Saturday, February 01, 2014

The Garden Share Collective ~ February 2014

The Garden Share Collective is the brain child of Lizzie from Strayed from the Table. There are a group of bloggers from all over the place who chat about what is going on in their gardens, with hints and tips. Pop over to Strayed from the Table to check out all the others.

In the veggie garden
It's been a funny old summer in the veggie garden. My tomatoes, which usually do incredibly well, have been a little lacklustre this year. The plants haven't grown in their usual triffid way ( except one which is the largest tomato plant I've ever seen!) and the fruit has been lovely, but they seem to be coming to an end already! 

But things like cucumbers, which I've never had any success with before are still going strong. Which is excellent as we're using them all. I did plant a telegraph and an apple version. Would do the telegraph again - probably plant 2 of them. But the apple one I wouldn't bother with. They do taste nice, but they have rather gigantic seeds - the chickens are loving them!

We've been munching on the sweetest, freshest sweetcorn for a couple of weeks, now. We always eat every single one, regardless of how many I plant. They're a huge favourite in our house.

As  usual the courgette could feed a family of 10!

All the other bits and bobs are doing great too. I don't know how long a growing season we'll get this year. The weather up in Northland has been absolutely amazing. Long dry, hot days, with the odd heavy rainfall, but mostly over night! 

The globe artichokes are on their second crop!!! Amazing!

We've got bananas ripening on the deck...

...and a huge potato bed coming ready.

But the thing I'm most excited about it the HUGE crop of avocados we're going to have next year. So many of the wee ones set. I'll be able to share them with friends and everything!

 The bed where I planted the 2 squashes is pretty much over run now. They are creeping up the fence, and over the asparagus bed too! There are a lot of butternut squash on one and a fair few crown pumpkins on the other. Excellent space filler!

So, here's some of the veggie garden, just beginning to look a bit tired, but still very productive! And I weeded all the paths out :) that made me very happy.

In the greenhouse
Basically, the greenhouse is being over run by chillies, there's the habaneros, sudras, and a couple of other plants. They've grown like triffids this year. I had read that they do best in their second year. I don't know if this is true, but these are certainly going great guns. Lloyd will be able to make a huge amount of chilli sauce.

I've also got a couple of tomato plants which have wee tomatoes on them. They were off cuts from laterals I pruned. One from the Big Boy beef tomato and the other from the sweet 100 ( cherry). They're doing incredibly well and one of the Oregon Springs - that's been going all winter is still producing lovely huge tomatoes, much to my amazement!

As usual the fig tree is laden.

But, if there's one thing I never have much success with... it's strawberries! meh!

In farm news, Rachel had her feet done today. They were long overdue, but we had been phoning and leaving messages for the farrier for almost 3 months! She said things like - she'd be over at the weekend - then never show. It would have been fairer all round if she'd said she was too busy. So on a few incredibly good recommendations we got in touch with another one and she came today - when she said she would - and did an absolutely amazing job of Rachel's feet. We're now on her 5 weekly rota, which is great. She loved Rachel too! ( that's not a sore bit on Rachel's face, its something sticky!!)

 And last but not least! The baby chicks - not so small now. Here's 2 of the boys ( 3 boys :( and 2 girls) They're feasting on one of the apple cucumbers.

 So, what will I be doing for the next month...same old same old!
Weeding, mowing, weeding, mowing...I have to decide if Im going to plant anything in the veggie garden this winter. Because If I am I should be getting the seeds organised. I always do Alderman peas and I've just planted some tomato seeds ~ some great white and some moneymakers. I'm going to put these in the greenhouse and see how late into the year I can get tomatoes.

Until next month...


  1. All lloks great Laura (Rachel looks such a sweetie). I wish you better luck with the avo's than we have had - all looked good till suddenly they all dropped off! I'm sure in your Garden of Eden though, all will be fine. cheers Wendy

    1. Rache is a total sweetie! Last year the meagre 5 avocados that set all grew to their full size, so I really have high hopes for this lot - they're getting pretty big already. Even if a third of them last this distance that'll be great!!

  2. fancy having an avocado tree in your own backyard! that is one version of heaven - lucky you! and corn... i don't have the space for corn (tried it one year but couldn't fit much else in the patch) so i rely on dad's beauties. none just yet, hopefully soon.
    and i'm with you on the apple cucumbers - too many seeds, and toughies too.
    thank you for a look around your wonderful garden! especially the avocado tree :-)

    1. we've got three! We planted them ourselves about 4 years ago - I did totally the 'wrong' thing and planted them in part of the chicken run, but our chickens seem totally oblivious to them, and they get so much fertilizer they're huge!!

    2. I have a fairly small area for my garden like you. I live in the Thames/Coromandel area We got a mini Avocado tree in late spring and its doing well.

  3. Wow your garden is looking great even if it is coming to the end of the season. Here in South East Queensland a lot of people have been complaining about their tomatoes this year. I had an appalling effort from mine, I am rushing to get more in to see if I can get a good harvest before winter.

    1. its not bad :) dunno whats gone on with the toms though - odd! I just planted some more for the greenhouse!

  4. Forgot to say - well done on the Strawberry - very impressive.

  5. It's been lovely to have a look around your garden Laura -- it's so lush and laden. I've just joined the Garden Share Collective, so I'm checking out the other members' blogs. It's like being on a fascinating field trip.

    1. Hi Sue, welcome!! There's some amazing gardens out there isnt there!

  6. Wow, bananas and avocados, so jealous! It all looks so beautifully abundant, thanks for sharing.

    1. I know! sometimes I have to pinch myself!

  7. Hi Laura, Just reading your garden comments. The vegie patch looks amazing. Ive done well, this being my first year for a vegie garden in like 15 years. Like you have had lots of telegraph cucumbers, tomatoes - so so. celery has done well and my pumpkins are going made. Last count was 12 grays. Potatoes are taking ages to mature. had a good crop of Garlic and Onions are looking good. Have just eyed up a corner where Im going to build a green house. Our local dump called The Seagull has lots of windows in frames going for a song. Either that or a large tunnel house. Loved the bananas you have me. They had so much flavour. Lovely to hear that Bob has recovered. Here's a site where you can have your soiled tested and it has lots of great information on soil.

    take care Kate

    1. Kate! So glad the bananas went to a good home - as you know, they're not my favourite thing! I have a good few punpkins - the butternut squash are amazing - a couple of them are the biggest I have ever seen!

  8. It looks so lovely and green. We are snowy and very cold so it's nice to see all the yummy things.

    1. and when we're cold you will be all sunny and inspiring!


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x