Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Morning Photo Shoot.
Bob was up on the bed with his 'daddy' and they looked so, so cute that I rushed and got the camera. The pics are a lot more grainy than I had hoped - it was low light and my 'settings of the camera' brain is non-existent! However these ones I like. Bob is and always will be my baby. When we got him as a teeny tiny puppy I had just given up work so all my focus went on him. To say I've ruined him is a bit of an understatement. He's a people dog and likes nothing better than to just sit beside you leaning gently on your leg. I love him.

This is my favourite ~ Daddy cuddles


  1. He is very very cute. Also, comments received I can now post - yey!

  2. Bob is gorgeous!

  3. Anonymous11:35 am

    Your Bob sounds a lot like my Sam.

  4. So cute! Dogs definitely can win over one's heart. They bring such love, humor, and pleasure....

  5. HOw gorgeous is Bob??!! Well done for getting him to lay still long enough for the pics - theyre beautifulo


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x