Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I wish you could photograph a smell...

We had some coffee in Rarotonga that was roasted on the spot. It was absolutely delicious. On our last day we were passing just as he was roasting some so we bought two 1kg bags, and the smell was out of this world. The bags went warm with the newly roasted coffee. When we opened our travelling bag it had the most gorgeous aroma!

Anyway, this morning I walked into the kitchen and could instantly tell Lloyd had ground some if it to have with breakfast. MMMMmmmm amazing.


  1. ~*~Looks and sounds amazing!Just reading your post made me have to get up an get a fresh cup of coffee to sip..thanks for sharing~*~*Rachel :)

  2. Love the smell of coffee, as I know you know!

  3. When I was a kid--waaaaay back when--the grocery stores had a row of grinders filled with each kind of coffee bean they sold. That smell, as Mom filled her paper bag with ground coffee, still lingers in the back of my mind as one of the greatest on earth. Thanks for the bit of nostalgia!

  4. Anonymous1:34 pm

    If someone would bottle that aroma, I'd wear it every day!!!


  5. Anonymous4:24 pm

    I love the smell of coffee, can't stand the taste. Go figure.

  6. I'm with Mel - love the smell, hate the taste (and the hyped up squirmy feeling it gives me!). I'm a cup o' tea kinda girl.

  7. The smell of coffee is always amazing. As much as I hate advertisements I don't know that I'll ever forget the old Folgers ads with everyone waking up to the aroma and "The Best Part of Waking Up...." jingle. Although I don't know that I'd claim Folgers to be the best brew. We too use the stove top Italian espresso pot--makes it so much easier to make one cup. I'd noticed it another photo you'd posted and was glad to see it today! :) Hope that coffee continues to bless your mornings. I've got mine right here beside me in the office!


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Laura x