
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tallulah Belle

Is now much happier than this ^^^^
I took this when I'd just brought her home yesterday and she was  dopey. Her eyes were so red she looked like she'd been in a dust storm, or a week long bender! Poor thing is not used to any of this and supposedly she howled a lot when she woke up from the operation. How embarrassing.
This morning she's totally back to her old self and jumped up onto the bed for a cuddle, as usual.

The operation went well. The tumour on her leg was removed with good margins. There was more flesh and less tumour - so this was good. I also found another miniscule lump on her tummy - really really tiny, it could have been anything but it was removed as well. Better safe than sorry. So now, she has rather a lot of stitches.

Everything has been sent off to the lab and we should have the results near the beginning of next week, so all we can do now is wait.
As ever our vet was spectacular.

Also what I really wanted to say here, is that Lloyd and I have been rather overcome with the love and support shown from all of you. It is beyond lovely, and I don't really know what to say that can properly convey our thanks, other than Thank You. You are all bloody brilliant.


  1. Anonymous9:40 am

    Oh what a relief. You guys were in the back of my mind all yesterday. Very glad to hear about the bouncing on the bed (dogs just don't believe in r & r do they? lol).

    1. thank you for thinking of us! it's just the waiting now - argh. I just want to know - either way - just knowing!!!!

  2. Here's hoping you can have a lovely restful day today and that there are some little treats in store for Lulah (my boys have just shared a piece of peanut butter toast with me, bad I know, but they love just a wee bit!). xxx Alison

  3. Mmmm peanut butter!Ours love that - when they were puppies we used to put some in a kong for them - hours of entertainment!! I'm not doing much today, going to try hard and just veg! Lulah isn't allowed to do anything much for 10 days! argh! No idea how we're going to manage that :)

  4. yay, thats good news Laura...let us know when you find out more.. x

  5. So glad to hear she's home and doing well. Definitely will continue to keep y'all in my thoughts and good wishes sent your way!

  6. Good news the first part is over, and now you just have the waiting and worrying, but while you're doing this she will be healing and getting back to the Lulah that you know and love....the bouncing is a very good start!!

    Fingers so very firmly crossed for good news that I am making soooooo many typing mistakes!!

    Sue xx

  7. Excellent to hear. Let the good news about your pup continue to come!

  8. Oh bless her...She was lucky she didn't wake up with one of those funny plastic cones round her neck! so glad you have a fab vet. Keeping everything crossed for good news!!

    1. I know I hate those things! Our vet actually said that new research shows that they are incredibly stressful for the animal, so they really try not to use them. She's been great with the stitches on her tummy not really licking at them at all. I just took the bandage off her leg and it looks ace.

  9. Glad all went well so far. Hope the result bring more good news

    1. thanks :) She's all bouncy as usual!!


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Laura x