
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Some days are just not good days

I try to keep this space happy and upbeat. On the whole Lloyd and I are happy people so it's not difficult. Obviously we go through the same life worries as everyone does. Sometimes we're a bit skint, sometimes everything isn't perfect on the work front, or whatever, but on the whole things are ok!

However today we've been dealt a real blow. Lulah has had a small lump on her front leg for a wee while. I thought it was a cyst. She had one on her back a couple of years ago and this one appeared the same so we weren't really worrying about it. But we were worried enough to take her to the vet and get it checked. Thank goodness we did.

It was obvious from my description on the phone the vet was concerned, but she didn't say too much until she'd looked at it properly and had taken some cells from it with a needle. We knew it wasn't the best news when she asked us to come through and look into the microscope. And they they were, lots of bright blue (rather beautiful) mast cells. This means Lulah has a cancerous tumour. She's only 4.
Tomorrow she's being operated on and having as much of it removed as possible. The problem is where it is on her leg. There's not that much flesh round about it so our lovely vet is going to see what she can do.

It'll then go to a lab where they will work out what stage it is. I II or III. Our hope is that its I, it all gets removed and she's all better.
She's not sick, appears completely well and totally her usual self.

Anyway, I've been doing a whole lot of internet research and if it can possibly be good, then Lulah has all the 'good' things going for her and none of the 'bad' things. We're determined to be positive.

However, healing thoughts would be nice. So if you can spare some, for our lovely, enthusiastic, snuggly, mad, cuddly, gentle, affectionate, beautiful girl we would be most grateful.

I'll keep you posted.


  1. oh she's divine, poor pooch, sending a mountain of crossed fingers to you.

    1. thank you so much Kirsty, the good thing is she seems completely oblivious!

  2. Hoping for all the best.

    A friend of mine's dog was diagnosed with mast cell a few years ago. They did surgery but didn't get clean margins. After getting the pathology test back on the tumor they had removed, they gave him a 1-3 month life expectation. He has no had any tumors since then and is still going strong. Mast cell sounds scary, but it doesn't always have to turn out bad.

    1. it's the margins the vet is worried about because there isn't room on her leg to give them the margins they want to have if that makes sense. That is good news about your friends dog, though. Lulah's lump is very small and hasn't changed so fingers and toes crossed.
      thanks xxx

  3. Your doggies are beautiful....seems to me the pictures you post of your animals are all like they are people dressed up in dog suits or alpaca you know what I mean, they all have those 'real life' faces.....real characters...I hope that the results come back with good news as these animals become family dont they...x

    1. Suzanne, as ever, you know exactly the right thing to say that makes me smile and feel better. You are a shiny star!
      ps we always imagine that if Bob was a person he'd wear a deer stalker and smoke a pipe!

  4. So sad! I'm glad you took her in and I definitely will be sending all sorts of extra prayers, energy, thoughts, etc in your direction. Lots of love to y'all too!

    1. thank you, I'm so glad we did as well. It's such a small lump, but just goes to show.

  5. Xxx for all of you! She is beautiful!

    1. thanks Alison, she is very beautiful, also a snuggler!

  6. All the best for Lulah - what a lovely doggie friend.

  7. Healing and kind thoughts coming Lulahs way.

  8. I was going to say poor Lulah, but it's not at the moment is it? You are the ones doing all the worrying and having the desperate thoughts, as you say she's oblivious and will be loving all the extra cuddles that are no doubt raining doown on her from her wonderful Mum and Dad.

    It's a dreadful blow to hear this sort of news, but as the lovely folk above my comment have said it stands every chance of having a good outcome. Have positive thoughts, treat her as normally as you can so you don't 'spook' her too much and enjoy your time together, whether it be for months or many, many more years. Our furry friends bring us much heartache at times but it's more than made up for by the love and affection they bring into our lives.

    And of course, healing thoughts, prayers and many hugs are sent over from us your 'upside down friends'. If Sophie has any pulling power in her new heavenly home, I'm sure she will be doing everything she can to help her upside down doggy counterpart.

    Keep strong, and lots of love to you all.

    Sue xx

    1. thank you Sue. Not a good doggy time is it! What is so strange, I suppose, to Lloyd and I, is that she seems absolutely fine. She's never ill, ever. So I think this is a good sign. With Sophie looking down on her she'll be fine! xxx

  9. Animals are so fabulous at living in the moment and have an amazing ability to heal.
    Lulah is truly beautiful, what bred is she? Keep positive for her... sending love and healing thoughts Cass x

    1. shes supposed to be a labradoodle! She was a rescue dog so tbh we don't really know what she is! Some poodle lab, hound cross!

  10. Oh! I'm sending many goat snuzzles to you and Lulu!

  11. Oh, Laura and Lloyd, I am so sorry to hear your doggie has cancer and I really hope you get some good news from your vet in that she has managed to remove all the cancer cells and all will be well for your lovely family. Big hugs in the meantime.

    1. thanks Joanna. I think we should know in a couple of days? I'll let you know xxx

  12. Sending happy thoughts your way Laura, she is so cute I just want to give her a big hug. She does look like a battler though, so I'm sure she'll be fine. cheers Wendy

    1. thanks loads Wendy, yeah shes tough!

  13. Thinking of you all and sending warm thoughts a bug hugs your way.
    Remember, stay away from Dr Google.
    ; )

    1. OOO too late for that! But in actual fact it was helpful. I found some very god vet sites - which were all fairly similar, and were good. When we were at the vets we were a bit stunned and stood there like mullets! xxx

  14. We're empty nesters so Augie is our 10 yr. old baby! Can only imagine what you're going through. Hope that the doctor can get everything and Lulah will be fine! The interactions that people have with their four-legged babies speak volumns about an individual.
    Thoughts and prayer for Lulah and for you!

    1. Oddly for now, we're actually a wee bit calm. I'm forcing myself to think it'll all be ok. It'll be harder this morning when shes in at the vets, but I just feel it's going to be ok. Hope Im right! xxx

  15. Oh, poor thing. I know how dear she is to you and Lloyd. I hope your vet can do wonders for her!

    1. me too! I'm sure she will. thank you xxx

  16. thank you thank you everyone for all your thoughts and kind words. If hugs and good vibes are all it takes then she'll be totally fine and romping around the place in no time. thank you all. You've no idea how much it means to Lloyd and I.

  17. Anonymous7:35 am

    So sorry! Hope all goes well!

  18. Lulah is such a supermodel! Fingers crossed for all of you.

    1. thanks Charlotte. You've had a lucky time with a chocolate dog so I think it's their time to be ok.

  19. Hugs from one dog person to another. Don't forget to breathe.

  20. Anonymous4:11 pm

    Sending the biggest, slobberyest doggy hugs from our dog, Moss, and us. It is no good at all when you have to see them fighting this sort of thing and all our best wishes go to all of you.

    1. thank you loads. We've been totally blown away by all the well wishes. They surely will work!

  21. Anonymous9:11 pm

    oh guys, just read this thru the tears streaming down my face... IT WILL BE GOOD NEWS... massives of good healthy healing loves being sent from bella, craig and the motley two... big loves and furry slobbers xxxx

    1. Weirdly, Me ( that is the biggest cry baby in the whole world) hasn't had a cry. either I'm in total denial or something! I'm not scared yet. We get the results at the beginning of next week - then I will be so scared I may have to take a valium!
      She's being a very good patient - but did howl the vets down when she woke up - Toni, the vet, said it was like she was singing a (very long boring) Scottish lament!


I love it when you leave me comments, it lets me know there are folk out there reading my ramblings! Thank you, I appreciate them loads and loads
Laura x