
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Pip got a HUGE spring clean.

Yesterday, The Pip got a mega spring clean. ALL the fabric was sorted through and folded up nicely and put back in the plastic bins. The scrappy ( teeny tiny) bits were binned, finally. It was completely emptied, cleaned, polished and hoovered and everything put back. It looks amazing and the clean out was long overdue!!

You can see from the pic that it's much fuller and way more used looking than it was when it first arrived!
I do, however, need to fix the floor as it's very flimsy (that's my excuse anyway!) and I put my foot right through it ages ago. At the moment there's just a piece of wood under the rugs, but it would be nice to fix it properly, and it could do with another coat of paint... one of these days!

On a totally different note,  I've been thinking about changing the layout of this wee blog. I was going to go for the 'dynamic view' one, it's very simple and easy to follow, but I think I may lose the heading picture and all the bumf down the side. What do people think? Should I or shouldn't I??


  1. I gave up with the dynamic view on my blog and have gone back to how it was (almost!). I can't resist fiddling!! Maybe have a play around and see if you like it. I prefer having all the stuff on the sidebar displayed rather than hidden.

    1. I'm scared to have a real play around in case I lose this one! It's got lots of different formatting put in it and there's no way I'll remember what it is if I change it all again!!

  2. I just had a terrible vision of you fallen through the floor on your chair with just your legs sticking up! Fix the floor before you little space out there is just lovely.....I wouldnt come out.... :)

    1. fortunately for me thats not what happened!! I just put my foot through it while walking across the floor!! Yeahm but floor does need fixed before painting - but painting is so much more fun!

  3. Owning property it's always something isn't it? I got a drip from the middle of the front porch ceiling just now and have to try to think like a drop of water to sort it out. That's what I get for buying a 1920's house.
    I'm also becoming a little dissatisfied with my blog and want to change it around...especially would like to see my photos in a better/bigger way. It's so hard isn't it. Once you have several years of lovely posts and lovely friends built up the thought of messing all that up! What ever you do, I'll still be popping in and checking on you and Lloyd and all the critters. :)

    1. Oh how I hear you with the drip! We have one that tracks across our ceiling from the kitchen to our bedroom!!
      Im sort of thinking Im going to just keep the blog the same :) xxxx

  4. However you want to blog, as long as you keep blogging. :-) Love an update on the babies, i mean crias.
    And, i was so sorry to read about Sheba. It's hard to lose a loved one.

    1. Thanks jenny.

      Yep its about time I took some photos of the crias who are now gigantic! They look a right mess just now though, as their baby coats have a curl at the end that attracts everything! At the moment they look like they're in fancy dress as a tree!

  5. Yes fix the floor before painting, love the sewing room.

    1. :) I reckon youre right - but that's less fun!


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Laura x