
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Time for the 'Afters'
Remember THIS  and THIS and THIS and THIS ! Well the grass has pretty much all grown in ~ after twice daily waterings from me! Pesky drought :) ( you can see how lush it is compared to the grass in the background)
I must admit it has exceeded all our expectations. It's made this whole area like an extension to the house.
My only miniscule irritation is with myself and it's that I didn't take any absolute 'before' photographs. I think it was because I hated it so, so, so much before that I just couldn't bear to look at it, or something!
Anyway I took these this afternoon, here it is...finished.


  1. I have lots of photos of your garden 'before' but most of them have people
    in them but I'll email you some if you like?

    Bob's hair looks lovely and white in the photo of your Dyson. If it really
    looks like that you could get it spun and made into a jersey for the
    love mum xxx

  2. How wonderful! When our patio/courtyard was done it did feel liek an extension of the house as we used it so much. Enjoy!

  3. Anonymous11:45 am

    It looks like paradise!!

  4. And it all looks very tropical and lovely so it does!

  5. Looks amazing! I can only hope our grass will be half of what yours is...:)


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Laura x