Friday, June 11, 2010

Without going onto too much detail work has been pretty stressful for the last month. We've been having 'staff with baggage' problems and it had got to the stage that I was making myself ill with worry over what each week was going to bring, it was more the not knowing and having to do a job that I'm not happy or confident doing and really shouldn't have to! Then I was getting angry that we'd all been put in this position and as we've all put so much into this new venture I didn't want to feel like this, so that in turn, made me worse! Too many emotions to deal with!
Well, things seem to have been resolved. We have a lovely lady working with us this week and have had over 30 applications for the job. We are stunned. ( and happy!) 
It was a joy to come into work this week and know things were safe and good. I think we're all feeling a lot lighter now.
It got me to thinking, though. How much do things really affect us without us knowing? ( ooOO I'm coming over all Carrie Bradshaw...I can't help but wonder...) 


  1. Oh dear. Well I'm glad it's working out, we have a small business too.

  2. Glad to hear you're all sorted. Now you can have a great weekend relaxing!

  3. Don't worry about the things you can't control, just get's you down, and you are way way to lovely to let happen. Put on some boxing gloves and punch out your stress better in than out (oh er Mrs, did I really say that)!

  4. Glad to hear things are looking up this week -- you will
    be able to relax and enjoy your time off without worrying about what next
    week is going to bring!

  5. thanks everyone, you know it was almost all worth it just because this week was so lovely and tonight has been bliss!

  6. This one's for you: - thinking about what you wrote made me think of this, enjoy & smile

  7. heehee!
    and guess what - I did NOT resort to biting my nails! ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

  8. I have put up a tribute to you on my blog, different you tube entry, even better I think!

  9. Laura,I have given you an award..please check out my post!

    Have a great day! Donna

  10. Laura,I have given you an award! Please check out my post!
    Have a great day,Donna

  11. Anonymous4:30 am

    Glad things are getting sorted out and your fingernails are still intact.

  12. Glad to hear the stress is easing, it's not good to worry!


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Laura x